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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

Stefl1504 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
~other stuff~

Let's face it, no matter what he does, I'll always think he's scummy in the later days so better get rid of that distraction right now.

Isn't that because he is always scum ;P

Anyway, nen hasn't posted much so far, but what do you get of his few posts so far?

He's ultra suspicious! j/k

But if you're asking for an honest opinion of nen so far I'd go with neutral.

Signature goes here!

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tabaha said:
Stefl1504 said:
Well, time to do some serious posting in the 45 minutes I can spend on a real computer! (not some fukken stupid smartphone)

Spurge, you claiming not to be a doc (or similar) was a completely counterproductive action. You still have to learn when to shut up, you don't have to comment everything when your name gets dropped. Well, at least I am quite sure he is town now.

tabaha, I am going to keep my vote on you for now, because how you reacted to my vote, while nice, it is not how I would expect you to act on this when town. Still too much qUcyy there for nao.

I am curious how MBP will behave this game, but if he does not change his behavior from last game I am quite content with lynching him.

I just ignored your vote becaue you're stefl and this is day one. no way you can be this serious

Tabaha, I mean that you basically evaded the standard stuff of poking fun at being scum or something like that... also like I said, there is still too much in the open. So lets just see what happens during the course of the day.

also since we have our first time limit once again pretty early... please, let at least everyone get his fair share of day one before hammering the timelimit.

Better just get rid of him now.

Vote: stefl

I did not evade it. My answer had it implied. I would vote for you if you weren't SteflNumbers


TruckOSaurus said:
Stefl1504 said:

Isn't that because he is always scum ;P

Anyway, nen hasn't posted much so far, but what do you get of his few posts so far?

He's ultra suspicious! j/k

But if you're asking for an honest opinion of nen so far I'd go with neutral.

nen is always ultra-suspicious, just because of his track record. ;P

also looks like linkz caught teh lurkz once again :P

Around the Network
tabaha said:
I did not evade it. My answer had it implied. I would vote for you if you weren't SteflNumbers

Should I go all tsun over SteflNumbers now? Or all dere for you being so nice to me?

Just because you only make sandwiches for me it doesn't mean you are not scum >:D

RolStoppable said:

Page 2 before I got to post. I am detecting heavy spamming.

radishhead said:

Yoshiya will be the calm mod ruling over all, and I'll be the crazy co-mod who beats lurkers with sticks

I already noticed. I got a redundant second role PM.

Vote: time limit

Vote: prof

I assume this is your policy-day-one-prof-vote?

I am going to retract my lurkz statement regarding linkz, looks like he was just logging out as the game was set up.

Stefl1504 said:
I am going to retract my lurkz statement regarding linkz, looks like he was just logging out as the game was set up.

~because his last online status fits with his only post on here... this game feels like forever for me already O_o

RolStoppable said:
Stefl1504 said:

I assume this is your policy-day-one-prof-vote?

Could it be anything else?

No not really...