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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

TruckOSaurus said:
spurgeonryan said:
So...? That tells stefl that I am ...what? That he is a mind reader?

I don't know what it tells Stefl but what it tells me is that you don't want to share your name for no good reason and I associate this behavior with someone who's got something to hide.

I refuse to share my name. Care to use that same baseless accusation on me?

The host mentioned that names, alignment or any of that will not have an effect on scum hunting. Why do you think spurge has something to hide when we all pretty much know names don't matter? You just finished hosting a game with that same approach. How are you so easily negating all of this?

You are my first legitimate suspect, and if FoS' or HoS' use weren't such a joke, this is where I'd give you a handful of fingers.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Continuing to me mean about Volibear will end up in a modkill :P You can't be mean to one of my favourite champions like that

hatmoza said:
TruckOSaurus said:
spurgeonryan said:
So...? That tells stefl that I am ...what? That he is a mind reader?

I don't know what it tells Stefl but what it tells me is that you don't want to share your name for no good reason and I associate this behavior with someone who's got something to hide.

I refuse to share my name. Care to use that same baseless accusation on me?

The host mentioned that names, alignment or any of that will not have an effect on scum hunting. Why do you think spurge has something to hide when we all pretty much know names don't matter? You just finished hosting a game with that same approach. How are you so easily negating all of this?

You are my first legitimate suspect, and if FoS' or HoS' use weren't such a joke, this is where I'd give you a handful of fingers.

No, since I know why you're refusing to share your name (to prove a point).

Signature goes here!

I am wondering if spurge read beyond his own name and diva...

If you're scum I imagine this game becomes more interesting, which explains why Stefl is so active in this game. Stefl is scum. LYNCH.

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RolStoppable said:
man-bear-pig said:

If you're scum I imagine this game becomes more interesting, which explains why Stefl is so active in this game. Stefl is scum. Scum. LYNCH.

No, we will not lynch stefl. Remember what happened last time? You went missing after you had accomplished your goal. While normally that is a blessing, it's quite detrimental to the game of Mafia.

I understand that you don't want to lynch your scumbuddy.

HoS: Rol

Hat raises a valid point about truck.
Spurge is a difficult player, and while I like voting him as much as the next guy, it really doesn't matter if you say you name or not. I only bothered because I knew complaining about Garen would make Yoshiya get little bit grumpy.
It's not a valid suspicion, and now we have moved out of the joke votes section, it makes you suspicious.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

^you is truck in the last sentence.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Stefl1504 said:
I am wondering if spurge read beyond his own name and diva...

Sometimes I wonder if Spurge can successfully read. 

Sorry low-blow spurge xD 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

So spurgasarous, who are your scumspects/ town vibes?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War