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Forums - Politics Discussion - US Senate candidate: Pregnancy from rape can be ‘something that God intended to happen’

Maybe it's been said already but it deserves to be repeated: If God didn't want you to be raped, he wouldn't have created rapists.

*looks in mirror* You disgust me.

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killerzX said:
bluesinG said:
wfz said:
bluesinG said:
killerzX said:

so 30 seconds before the baby is born, it is a clump of cells, and can be terminated?

while its headed down the birthing-canal, it can have scissor like instruments, stab into its spinal cord, breaking its neck, killing the child, but its not human?

but if they were to do it just 5 seconds later, it would be murder of a human?

I believe that before it is born, it is a fetus. After it is born, it is a baby.

As for whether and when to abort a fetus, I believe that should be the mother's choice, not something mandated by the government.

What magically changes in those split seconds that makes the fetus have rights as a human baby? I don't see where your logic is coming from unless its based on nothing but pure convenience and feelings.

What changes is that the fetus leaves the woman's body, enters the world, and begins to breathe. I am the father of a 13-month-old daughter, and I can tell you that moment is a big bleepin' deal.

but the split second before your daughter was born, she wasnt human, while she is headed down your wifes birth canal getting delivered, its not human? but once it exits it is? what about if the baby is half way out and takes a breath. is it half human? what if only the head is out? is only the head human?

fetus: "an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth"

baby: "an extremely young child; especially : infant"

Before my daughter was born, she was a fetus. After she was born, she was a baby. I believe that the moment of birth is when someone becomes a person. And I believe that pregnant women, not the government, should make the decision of whether or not to terminate a fetus.

RolStoppable said:
Abortion before week 9 is morally okay (or rather it is morally okay for a lot of people), because the new life hasn't developed all inner organs yet. So its status is embryo rather than fetus. In the case of rape, a pregnancy should usually be detected within nine weeks, so abortion is in the safe zone.

If the government were to force raped women to give birth to a child, then they better pay for it and make sure to give this child a father too. Otherwise there would be just too much of a chance to make the life of the mother and the child miserable.

But honestly, the woman should have the choice. Suppose you were a woman, got raped and pregnant, would you really want to give birth to this child?

If I was that woman of course I wouldn't want to bear that child or give it birth. It's a nightmare.

But if you sincerely believe life is very special (some might call it holy), that even aborting a 1 day old embryo is wrong, and you think that even embryos deserve protection by society, then what else can you advocate?

Naturally, if you are pro-life and pretend to be a humane and loving person you should also advocate for society to provide with the best possible care and support for that woman, including all expenses paid of course.

bluesinG said:
killerzX said:
bluesinG said:
wfz said:
bluesinG said:
killerzX said:

so 30 seconds before the baby is born, it is a clump of cells, and can be terminated?

while its headed down the birthing-canal, it can have scissor like instruments, stab into its spinal cord, breaking its neck, killing the child, but its not human?

but if they were to do it just 5 seconds later, it would be murder of a human?

I believe that before it is born, it is a fetus. After it is born, it is a baby.

As for whether and when to abort a fetus, I believe that should be the mother's choice, not something mandated by the government.

What magically changes in those split seconds that makes the fetus have rights as a human baby? I don't see where your logic is coming from unless its based on nothing but pure convenience and feelings.

What changes is that the fetus leaves the woman's body, enters the world, and begins to breathe. I am the father of a 13-month-old daughter, and I can tell you that moment is a big bleepin' deal.

but the split second before your daughter was born, she wasnt human, while she is headed down your wifes birth canal getting delivered, its not human? but once it exits it is? what about if the baby is half way out and takes a breath. is it half human? what if only the head is out? is only the head human?

fetus: "an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth"

baby: "an extremely young child; especially : infant"

Before my daughter was born, she was a fetus. After she was born, she was a baby. I believe that the moment of birth is when someone becomes a person. And I believe that pregnant women, not the government, should make the decision of whether or not to terminate a fetus.

that is an astonishingly arbitrary definition you have of what a human is.

i know what a fetus is, just as i know what a adult is. but what you are esentially saying is, im not a human, im an adult.

fetus= unborn baby human

baby= new born human

teen= young human


all human, all deserve to live.

appolose said:

Granted, but I would say it's not just her taking on the burden of this life; she also has to actively terminate it.  It differs from forced charity in that way: the fetus has no choice in being there either, and can do nothing about it, so the fetus itself is not violating her own rights.  Whereas, the abortion is a choice, and, therefore,  would be violating the fetus' rights.

She doesn't have to actively terminate it, she could just continue her life without consideration for it and it'd probably die naturally.  If she was a smoker and/or drinker and didn't quit, or she continue having an active/athletic lifestyle for too long.  The reason abortion is chosen is that it's a clinical procedure and is therefore safer for the mother, but the important part is that this isn't something that she can deal with without changing how she previously lived, so it's definitely forced charity.  The fetus is not violating her right by choice (it doesn't have any yet) but it is by its existence.

You're right, the fetus is not being given a choice in this matter, but unfortunately I can't ask the fetus to weigh in on the matter, and if I could I'd likely have a different viewpoint on the whole thing.  So without that to go on I think the decision should be left to the conscious person most affected by the decision: the rape victim.  


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bluesinG said:
killerzX said:
bluesinG said:
wfz said:

What magically changes in those split seconds that makes the fetus have rights as a human baby? I don't see where your logic is coming from unless its based on nothing but pure convenience and feelings.

What changes is that the fetus leaves the woman's body, enters the world, and begins to breathe. I am the father of a 13-month-old daughter, and I can tell you that moment is a big bleepin' deal.

but the split second before your daughter was born, she wasnt human, while she is headed down your wifes birth canal getting delivered, its not human? but once it exits it is? what about if the baby is half way out and takes a breath. is it half human? what if only the head is out? is only the head human?

fetus: "an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth"

baby: "an extremely young child; especially : infant"

Before my daughter was born, she was a fetus. After she was born, she was a baby. I believe that the moment of birth is when someone becomes a person. And I believe that pregnant women, not the government, should make the decision of whether or not to terminate a fetus.

Even 7, 8 or 9 months old fetuses? If society would allow that then I would be burning down abortion clinics and doing all kinds of civil disobedience.

Torillian said:
DélioPT said:

It`s not because it can`t express feelings or other signs of humanity that it should be treated with less dignity or respect. That would be unfair.
She will suffer no matter what happens. Do you believe that she wouldn`t suffer with the abortion? There is no easy path once the evil is done. To me, the only solution is try and be above the situation. Because, rape or not, any person who is put in a situation of suffering can embrace it and rise above it or give in to it even more.

It's not about dignity or respect, it's the simple fact that the fetus cannot live without outside of the mother, and she should have the choice of if she's alright with that.  If we ever come up with the technology to transfer a pregnancy I think that'd be the best of both worlds, but right now we don't and I'd rather err on the side of choice over life, simple as that.  

But you don't know what they need to rise above it, being forced to take the child to term could just as easily be the thing that drives her over the edge and makes her commit suicide.  Maybe she could have gotten over it if she wasn't forced to carry a reminder with her for 9 months.  We can't know what is the right thing for the woman at that moment, and therefore we should leave the decision to her.  

She'll suffer with the abortion no doubt.  I don't expect the decision to be taken lightly, but it should be her decision.  

It`s also about dignity and respect. A baby cannot live without the support too.
No human should be treated less because he can`t fully express his humanity. Human life is valuable since inception.

No, we don`t know what will come out of her carrying out the pregnancy, like we don`t know how people will handle every other problem in their lives. What we know is that when a life is terminated, that`s it. It`s a certainty that it`s all over.
You are right, i don`t know exactly what she needs to overcome, so i`ll just say what people need to overcome their problems: strength, love, trust, support, etc. I`d add God, but like everything it`s up to people to open themselves to faith.
What i do know, is that there`s nothing that God gives us that we can`t handle it, even the hardest things. What we must always avoid is basing actions on suffering. Because those are the realities we choose, for whatever happens in our lifes.

kids until the age of 18years old should be able to be aborted, we need less government not more
Mitt/Obama 2012

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

DélioPT said:
Torillian said:
DélioPT said:

It`s not because it can`t express feelings or other signs of humanity that it should be treated with less dignity or respect. That would be unfair.
She will suffer no matter what happens. Do you believe that she wouldn`t suffer with the abortion? There is no easy path once the evil is done. To me, the only solution is try and be above the situation. Because, rape or not, any person who is put in a situation of suffering can embrace it and rise above it or give in to it even more.

It's not about dignity or respect, it's the simple fact that the fetus cannot live without outside of the mother, and she should have the choice of if she's alright with that.  If we ever come up with the technology to transfer a pregnancy I think that'd be the best of both worlds, but right now we don't and I'd rather err on the side of choice over life, simple as that.  

But you don't know what they need to rise above it, being forced to take the child to term could just as easily be the thing that drives her over the edge and makes her commit suicide.  Maybe she could have gotten over it if she wasn't forced to carry a reminder with her for 9 months.  We can't know what is the right thing for the woman at that moment, and therefore we should leave the decision to her.  

She'll suffer with the abortion no doubt.  I don't expect the decision to be taken lightly, but it should be her decision.  

It`s also about dignity and respect. A baby cannot live without the support too.
No human should be treated less because he can`t fully express his humanity. Human life is valuable since inception.

No, we don`t know what will come out of her carrying out the pregnancy, like we don`t know how people will handle every other problem in their lives. What we know is that when a life is terminated, that`s it. It`s a certainty that it`s all over.
You are right, i don`t know exactly what she needs to overcome, so i`ll just say what people need to overcome their problems: strength, love, trust, support, etc. I`d add God, but like everything it`s up to people to open themselves to faith.
What i do know, is that there`s nothing that God gives us that we can`t handle it, even the hardest things. What we must always avoid is basing actions on suffering. Because those are the realities we choose, for whatever happens in our lifes.

But a baby can be transferred to another parent, that isn't true of a fetus.  Human life is valuable, but so is the life and freedom of the raped woman, and I've decided to err on her side for this instance because I believe it minimizes human suffering.

I don't believe in god, therefore the idea that anything he gives us can be handled doesn't really matter to me.  The only person who gave anything in this instance was a rapist.  You shouldn't force another problem on the rape victim with the idea that she'll overcome it, or be stronger for it, that shouldn't be your choice to make.  



Torillian said:
appolose said:

Granted, but I would say it's not just her taking on the burden of this life; she also has to actively terminate it.  It differs from forced charity in that way: the fetus has no choice in being there either, and can do nothing about it, so the fetus itself is not violating her own rights.  Whereas, the abortion is a choice, and, therefore,  would be violating the fetus' rights.

She doesn't have to actively terminate it, she could just continue her life without consideration for it and it'd probably die naturally.  If she was a smoker and/or drinker and didn't quit, or she continue having an active/athletic lifestyle for too long.  The reason abortion is chosen is that it's a clinical procedure and is therefore safer for the mother, but the important part is that this isn't something that she can deal with without changing how she previously lived, so it's definitely forced charity.  The fetus is not violating her right by choice (it doesn't have any yet) but it is by its existence.

You're right, the fetus is not being given a choice in this matter, but unfortunately I can't ask the fetus to weigh in on the matter, and if I could I'd likely have a different viewpoint on the whole thing.  So without that to go on I think the decision should be left to the conscious person most affected by the decision: the rape victim.  

Any of those actions she takes are known to risk or cause death to the fetus, so it would be effectively the same as actively terminating it, though.  And I was referring to charity in terms of participating vs. not participating.  That is, if I don't give someone food, for example, my lack of action is not what caused them to starve to death.  Whereas, in this case, the lack is exactly what causes it.  

And the contention one might raise with that is that, either way, someone has to give up something.  And one of them cannot choose in the matter, so it would be a violation of its rights to choose for it.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

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