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Torillian said:
DélioPT said:

It`s not because it can`t express feelings or other signs of humanity that it should be treated with less dignity or respect. That would be unfair.
She will suffer no matter what happens. Do you believe that she wouldn`t suffer with the abortion? There is no easy path once the evil is done. To me, the only solution is try and be above the situation. Because, rape or not, any person who is put in a situation of suffering can embrace it and rise above it or give in to it even more.

It's not about dignity or respect, it's the simple fact that the fetus cannot live without outside of the mother, and she should have the choice of if she's alright with that.  If we ever come up with the technology to transfer a pregnancy I think that'd be the best of both worlds, but right now we don't and I'd rather err on the side of choice over life, simple as that.  

But you don't know what they need to rise above it, being forced to take the child to term could just as easily be the thing that drives her over the edge and makes her commit suicide.  Maybe she could have gotten over it if she wasn't forced to carry a reminder with her for 9 months.  We can't know what is the right thing for the woman at that moment, and therefore we should leave the decision to her.  

She'll suffer with the abortion no doubt.  I don't expect the decision to be taken lightly, but it should be her decision.  

It`s also about dignity and respect. A baby cannot live without the support too.
No human should be treated less because he can`t fully express his humanity. Human life is valuable since inception.

No, we don`t know what will come out of her carrying out the pregnancy, like we don`t know how people will handle every other problem in their lives. What we know is that when a life is terminated, that`s it. It`s a certainty that it`s all over.
You are right, i don`t know exactly what she needs to overcome, so i`ll just say what people need to overcome their problems: strength, love, trust, support, etc. I`d add God, but like everything it`s up to people to open themselves to faith.
What i do know, is that there`s nothing that God gives us that we can`t handle it, even the hardest things. What we must always avoid is basing actions on suffering. Because those are the realities we choose, for whatever happens in our lifes.