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killerzX said:
bluesinG said:
wfz said:
bluesinG said:
killerzX said:

so 30 seconds before the baby is born, it is a clump of cells, and can be terminated?

while its headed down the birthing-canal, it can have scissor like instruments, stab into its spinal cord, breaking its neck, killing the child, but its not human?

but if they were to do it just 5 seconds later, it would be murder of a human?

I believe that before it is born, it is a fetus. After it is born, it is a baby.

As for whether and when to abort a fetus, I believe that should be the mother's choice, not something mandated by the government.

What magically changes in those split seconds that makes the fetus have rights as a human baby? I don't see where your logic is coming from unless its based on nothing but pure convenience and feelings.

What changes is that the fetus leaves the woman's body, enters the world, and begins to breathe. I am the father of a 13-month-old daughter, and I can tell you that moment is a big bleepin' deal.

but the split second before your daughter was born, she wasnt human, while she is headed down your wifes birth canal getting delivered, its not human? but once it exits it is? what about if the baby is half way out and takes a breath. is it half human? what if only the head is out? is only the head human?

fetus: "an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth"

baby: "an extremely young child; especially : infant"

Before my daughter was born, she was a fetus. After she was born, she was a baby. I believe that the moment of birth is when someone becomes a person. And I believe that pregnant women, not the government, should make the decision of whether or not to terminate a fetus.