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RolStoppable said:
Abortion before week 9 is morally okay (or rather it is morally okay for a lot of people), because the new life hasn't developed all inner organs yet. So its status is embryo rather than fetus. In the case of rape, a pregnancy should usually be detected within nine weeks, so abortion is in the safe zone.

If the government were to force raped women to give birth to a child, then they better pay for it and make sure to give this child a father too. Otherwise there would be just too much of a chance to make the life of the mother and the child miserable.

But honestly, the woman should have the choice. Suppose you were a woman, got raped and pregnant, would you really want to give birth to this child?

If I was that woman of course I wouldn't want to bear that child or give it birth. It's a nightmare.

But if you sincerely believe life is very special (some might call it holy), that even aborting a 1 day old embryo is wrong, and you think that even embryos deserve protection by society, then what else can you advocate?

Naturally, if you are pro-life and pretend to be a humane and loving person you should also advocate for society to provide with the best possible care and support for that woman, including all expenses paid of course.