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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which of the big 3 gets the most bashing/hate on VGC?

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Which do you think?

Nintendo 137 30.38%
Sony 223 49.45%
Microsoft 89 19.73%
Player2 said:
Chark said:
Player2 said:
pezus said:

I think what is easiest is to look at the way Wikipedia explains it, as someone posted in here already. I don't know where that 14 year old basement shit is coming from, but it needs to go.

Bold: Why? Again, hardcore does not mean "adult". That is not even close to being the same thing

Interesting definition Wikipedia has.

Hardcore gamers (...) tend to play more involved games (...). What is a "more involved game"? Never heard of it in my life. And Google desn't help much either.

Involved is a descriptive word. Used like this it means things that are more diffiicult, story driven, time demanding, complex, high learning curve, games that require dedication to play, games that are not easy to pick up and play that have simple premises and basic gameplay mechanics.

That's a lot of things for a single word. Is Tekken an involved game then? It does have a high learning curve and complex gameplay mechanics, but it isn't story driven and button mashing is enough to beat the single player mode (acknowledged by the TC), therefore it isn't a difficult game and is easy to pick up.

It doesn't have to contain all aspects and even some non hardcore games have some of these as well. Tekken would be concidered a hardcore game. While button mashing does allow someone to pick it up immediately, it only scratches the surface of the games actual gameplay. Fighting games in general are accessible to everyone but learning the moves, engaging competition of more experienced players, and mastering the combat is more of the hardcore territory. The fact people can button mash doesn't deteriorate the total game. It might get you by in some games but it is essentially not learning how to play the game and until the divide is broken between button mashing and actually figuring out a fighter, the gamer isn't engaging in a hardcore gaming activity...neccessarily. It is a difficult labeling of sorts.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

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xS7SxSNIPER said:
Honestly i will say Microsoft for rrod,Xbox live sub, games, ect then Sony then Nintendo.

I'm sorry but that spells audacity.

tech problems, subscriptions, lack of titles; are perfectly valid points for critisism, that's not hate.

hate is an irrational & illogical reaction based on sentimental reasons.

I would say Microsoft, whatever they do is not good for gamers or the games industry. Most of their games are considered irrelevant (Kinect, XBLA, Multi, PC or if in this list Halo/Fable/Gears/Forza) and will never "reach" the quality of Sony titles. They get criticised for being irrelevant in Japan (who cares really), some still think RROD is a thing of today and tomorrow. Xbox Live for being a paid service and be "packed" with advertisement.

Both Sony and Nintendo gets a lot of hate too. Sony for their "poor" online. Their games are not selling as much as the competition and are trying too much to "copy" others.

Nintendo for catering to a different audience, for releasing only the same mascot in almost every games they make, for being a generation below the competition and for WiiU's "sub next gen" new offering.

I don't visit Sony and Nintendo threads as much as I visit Microsoft's threads but like one pointed out, people will be more sensible to criticism towards their console of choice.

Salnax said:
Sony, but that's mostly because of the Vita's current ills. In a pure console showdown, Nintendo.

Exactly. Maybe the Wii U will be the next victim...

We need moar Zelda, now!

We need moar Unchartedzz!

We need less DLCs.

While Sony and Nintendo get the most vocal bashing
the indifference the Xbox brand causes is by far the most humiliating

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DigitalDevilSummoner said:
xS7SxSNIPER said:
Honestly i will say Microsoft for rrod,Xbox live sub, games, ect then Sony then Nintendo.

I'm sorry but that spells audacity.

tech problems, subscriptions, lack of titles; are perfectly valid points for critisism, that's not hate.

hate is an irrational & illogical reaction based on sentimental reasons.

Lol you are exactly proving the point here :) Tech problems may be a 'logical' reason. But for the two other it is exactly the kind of hate/bashing based on purely personal point of view. When you hate something you always find very 'rationnal' reasons to do so, like you just did with Microsoft.

Also while hating for a rational reason or not, at the end hate is hate and the thread is all about that. 

To the OP: I voted Microsoft but I'm not visiting other consoles's thread so my point of view is obvisouly biased :)

I find this poll interesting because of what it really means.

Current results:

Total: 414

What this poll is really showing us is what the fanboy and fangirl ratio is on VGChartz. 50% of the fanboys/fangirls here are Sony Fanboys/Fangirls, 31% are Nintendo Fanboys/Fangirls and 19% are MS Fanboys/Fangirls. Every fanboy/fangirl thinks his/her console gets the most hate because fanboys/fangirls are overly sensitive about their favorites. People who enjoy all three don't think there's problem because they aren't sensitive like fanboys/fangirls.

Squilliam said:
I don't see why people think Sony gets bashed. They are genuinely as a company doing rather poorly and they have struggled for profitability whereas Nintendo gets bashed for trying to cater towards a different audience/mindset.

But to a lot of people none of that matters.  None of that has to do with games or hardware. Ninty got "bashed" for being so far behind the others in terms of capabalities and games. Im not a stock holder so i dont give a damn who makes what, i just care about games which is something IMHO that Ninty (and others) didnt really deliver with the Wii at least not in the volumes the other two did.

OT its between Ninty and Sony, probably more Ninty lately

oniyide said:
Squilliam said:
I don't see why people think Sony gets bashed. They are genuinely as a company doing rather poorly and they have struggled for profitability whereas Nintendo gets bashed for trying to cater towards a different audience/mindset.

But to a lot of people none of that matters.  None of that has to do with games or hardware. Ninty got "bashed" for being so far behind the others in terms of capabalities and games. Im not a stock holder so i dont give a damn who makes what, i just care about games which is something IMHO that Ninty (and others) didnt really deliver with the Wii at least not in the volumes the other two did.

OT its between Ninty and Sony, probably more Ninty lately

Ninty is being bashed from the perspective of people being disapointed in their actions or beliefs I guess whereas Sony gets the long end of the stick for financial performance and the performance of Vita in the market and as far as I can tell Microsoft is just really being ignored at the moment, they aren't doing anything worth mentioning in a positive or negative way. It depends on the perspective of the person as to how you'd interpret what is going on in relation to the big 3 IHV console makers.

But yeah I would say that Nintendo is certainly getting the most negative attention for both their console sales performance as well as for perceived shortcomings of their upcoming Wii U system.


I would say the 360 originally, although a lot of the 360 criticism seems to have dissipated as of late. As far as volume of hate, I can't really make an estimate although all three get their fair share.