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Forums - Politics Discussion - Who won the debate? Biden or Ryan?


Who won the debate?

Vice President Joe Biden 218 52.03%
Congressman Paul Ryan 123 29.36%
Nobody/Tie 73 17.42%

BTW - I voted nobody because I didn't see the whole thing but I'm swayed to Ryan from what I did see...

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Biden seemed like an angry over defensive shouting man.

Either way terrible debate. I give it to Ryan simply for not being a complete head case.

And the moderator was simply pathetic, one of the worst Ive ever seen. She let her personal opinion show FAR too much. This woman should never be allowed to do this again.

Wagram said:
I do think it's pretty funny though that some of the same people who are criticizing Biden for interrupting Ryan were supportive of Romney interrupting Obama, and even the Moderator.


romney had the opening and closing statements on every topic, interrupted the mod every time.

I didn't say anything. I said, kind of rude, but I think Romney definitely won.
Too bad all I hear tonight is boohoo b-b-biden was interrupting

Wagram said:
I do think it's pretty funny though that some of the same people who are criticizing Biden for interrupting Ryan were supportive of Romney interrupting Obama, and even the Moderator.

Maybe because Obama spoke about 5 minutes longer than Romney did, so Romney was fighting for equal time, whereas it was much closer this time. Biden only spoke about a minute longer than Ryan did.

HappySqurriel said:

As a Canadian I will be heavily impacted by the decisions of the next president, so I'm interested in what the candidates have to say ...

I can understand our immediate neighbours wanting to know what is going on but certain countries wanting to watch 'our' debates and such still doesn't make too much sense to me.

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Wagram said:
I do think it's pretty funny though that some of the same people who are criticizing Biden for interrupting Ryan were supportive of Romney interrupting Obama, and even the Moderator.

Well, biden is about 100 times more guilty of interrupting than romney was.  It was definitely a lot more pronounced.  I'll admit I didn't have a problem with what romney, or obama did.  However, Biden wouldn't even give Ryan a chance to talk there.  At least Romney an Obama really only interrupted the moderator and had enough respect for each other to let the other person speak. 

Wagram said:
I do think it's pretty funny though that some of the same people who are criticizing Biden for interrupting Ryan were supportive of Romney interrupting Obama, and even the Moderator.

You didn't watch the presidential debate did you? Because both Romney and Obama interupted the moderator about the same and Obama complained about his time even though he spoke 5 minutes longer.

Did she call Biden "joe" couple of times?

Oddly by the way... I think Jim Lehr did a better job as a moderater.

Sure he was incompetent and walked over... but he was even.

This moderator seemed to have her mind made up, and would be uneven in handling how much she allowed from each candidate based on whoever she agreed with at the time.

I wonder if there'll be an "Interrupting Biden" meme float around...