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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rayman Legends delayed to Q1 2013 worldwide

It's okay. This way it won't compete with NSMBU, and I will buy it on day one. Also, the developers can correct some bugs and add other things like NFC capabilities.

We need moar Zelda, now!

We need moar Unchartedzz!

We need less DLCs.

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Not my kind of game, but maybe this was for the best.
But I also don't think so. Launch games usually do good, and Rayman, being a franchise that surely is aimed at kids would benefit a lot from the Holidays, Mario or no Mario.

Delays are making 2013's Q1 for Nintendo packed. And that's not exactly great news.


BTW... I'll fix my avatar today at night... too big, sorry!

Hopefully this game gets delayed until late January and early February. Will be a nice little platformer to tie me over until my MoHun consumes me.

Now I won't buy a Wii U until next summer at the earliest :/ I'm so bummed.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

pezus said:

I'll say it again once the game doesn't sell that well (like Origins).

Thing is. This game can't be only ported without those requirements he said.

So even if it sells bad on Wii U it'll sell even worse on other systems. Probably way even worse.

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Whenever this or the Wonderful 101 releases, I'll get a Wii U. Hopefully there'll be no problem with stock by then.

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You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

And there goes my only reason for buying a WiiU at launch, guess I'll wait a little while.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

pezus said:

Oh come on. What's so majorly different from Origins that they can't work into the other consoles/omit? Just like Blops 2 has tablet features for Wii U but none for the other consoles, they could probably work something out.

The dev said a large chunk of the game is operated via touch screen. It doesn't feature just a few gamepad features.

First item of the released details:

- Ubisoft really wanted to make Rayman Legends because of the GamePad

There will be stages where you'll have to protect AI controlled Rayman, based on touch commands


Vita can do that though. So if you have too, keep the hope for this version

VicViper said:
pezus said:

I'll say it again once the game doesn't sell that well (like Origins).

Thing is. This game can't be only ported without those requirements he said.

So even if it sells bad on Wii U it'll sell even worse on other systems. Probably way even worse.

They already made an internal trailer that proves that they were working on different platforms and that WiiU gets "exclusive" features.
This is not necessarily proof that it will be multiplat down the road, but they already created levels that work without a tablet.

Metroid33slayer said:

Nintendo's "6 month launch window". November the 18th till march the 31st is 4 and a half months. You have Distorted the facts to try and have a mild dig at nintendo or you are simply atrocious at maths, which one is it?

i dont know where you read that he said that the launch window ends at march 31st, he just mentions that since it is in Q1 it will be released in Nintendo's ridiculous six month "launch window"