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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U: 7 Reasons It’s Already Won The Next-Gen Battle ( how does this A**hole know? Is he a Psychic?)

First, I said "PROBABLY", second, all developers have been saying it's really easy to port and make games for it thanx to its basic structure and third, if ppl are expecting the other 2 consoles to have "a important improvement in graphics", then it's just logic that tells us it will be the cheapest to develop for, not saying it will but most likely!

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worst image to support point number 3

Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?

Why do so many people think that the new ps4/720 games will be some insane graphical leap.

I mean all you have to do is look at the top of the line computer games and nobody is shitting their pants over them compared to the top of the line console games.

Regardless what rumors or whatever says I'm sure the Wii U is at least on par with the PS3 at minimum.

Now I'm not saying that the ps4/720 won't be more powerful by a huge or small margin. But just look at first generation 360/ps3 games. They look like total shit compared to current 360/ps3 games. The same will be true for next generation. The launch games and early games of the 720/ps4 will look at best like the top of the line pc games, which as I said before aren't that much of a difference.

And yes I have a top of the line pc and can play any game at max settings. No game I have is making me go OMG i can't believe how shitty the ps3 and 360 are. I easily switch between playing all three and never think even on the graphics.

If the Wii U and the ps4/720 are as different at wii and 360/ps3, you won't see that for a few years after their release. They will be near identical in the beginning.



New hardware doesn't mean games magically become graphical god's.  The designers, engineers, artists, programers, you name it all still have to make those graphics.  And that takes time, and time means money.  They want to pump out games quickly, thus why they will SLOWLY make their games more visually appealing and physics better as they go.  Again look at first gen 360 games and just laugh at how poor they were.

The same could basically be said about every console ever >.

"4. A brand new gaming experience"

*Shows a picture of Mass Effect 3

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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"Lightning really can strike twice"

... I thought Sony proved that with the playstation and playstation2...

Corey said:
3. Currently the third party support is limited to a couple of ports, whether or not third parties stay for the long term remains to be seen, if the next consoles take a large enough technological leap we could see another wii situation with major third party developers leaving the wiiu alone.

I highly doubt this will be a wii situation this time. Like you say we don't know anything about the new systems. Who is supporting these? Are they just going to jump on board or will they wait it out and see how things go? Plus why would japanese developers and publishers leave wii u in favor of a system that doesn't have any kind of real relevance in that area?

Xbox is pretty much sent to die in japan and there are two things here in nintendo's favor. The first is the head start. The more important factor is they have monster hunter. While it remains to be seen how well it will go down its likely nintendo will be way too far ahead for microsoft and sony to catch them there when they launch. That pretty much locks support from japan in the bag already. What happens in the west will depend on how well games sell on wii u and if the risk of development on other consoles is seen as worth it. At worst this will be a situation like the gamecube. Which by the way didn't have as dire third party support as people claim it did. It had better than psp and I would argue it had better than the original xbox.

One more thing to complete my year = senran kagura localization =D

CCFanboy said:
Corey said:
3. Currently the third party support is limited to a couple of ports, whether or not third parties stay for the long term remains to be seen, if the next consoles take a large enough technological leap we could see another wii situation with major third party developers leaving the wiiu alone.

I highly doubt this will be a wii situation this time. Like you say we don't know anything about the new systems. Who is supporting these? Are they just going to jump on board or will they wait it out and see how things go? Plus why would japanese developers and publishers leave wii u in favor of a system that doesn't have any kind of real relevance in that area?

Xbox is pretty much sent to die in japan and there are two things here in nintendo's favor. The first is the head start. The more important factor is they have monster hunter. While it remains to be seen how well it will go down its likely nintendo will be way too far ahead for microsoft and sony to catch them there when they launch. That pretty much locks support from japan in the bag already. What happens in the west will depend on how well games sell on wii u and if the risk of development on other consoles is seen as worth it. At worst this will be a situation like the gamecube. Which by the way didn't have as dire third party support as people claim it did. It had better than psp and I would argue it had better than the original xbox.

why are people still believing a quantum leap ("a large enough technological leap")is going to happen? that is a situation unusual for the industry and that leave sony in a desperate financial state.

34 years playing games.


Short-term (enough to count overall) the Wii won because of Wii Sports and some of that Nintendo brand strength.

Long-term the Wii lost, because they stopped making games for it.

Where is the Wii Sports for Wii U? That is the big question that will determine how it does early in its life-cycle with the casual masses going crazy for it or not. The later part of life cycle will really depend on whether next consoles from MS/Sony command exclusive 3rd party interest/support and don't bother porting those games to Wii U. Keep in mind, MS/Sony wont just have to offer significant leap, they would have to do so without a big price hike.

On other hand, if the difference is not that significant, than even with MS/Sony next-consoles being able to push more tech-specs, 3rd party developers will treat the Wii U as the base platform like they did with PS2 back then. In that scenario, Nintendo wins the full life-cycle.

thekitchensink said:
"4. A brand new gaming experience"

*Shows a picture of Mass Effect 3

I also laughed at the "Third party support *Shows an old Batman port*"


We'll see what happens...