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Corey said:
3. Currently the third party support is limited to a couple of ports, whether or not third parties stay for the long term remains to be seen, if the next consoles take a large enough technological leap we could see another wii situation with major third party developers leaving the wiiu alone.

I highly doubt this will be a wii situation this time. Like you say we don't know anything about the new systems. Who is supporting these? Are they just going to jump on board or will they wait it out and see how things go? Plus why would japanese developers and publishers leave wii u in favor of a system that doesn't have any kind of real relevance in that area?

Xbox is pretty much sent to die in japan and there are two things here in nintendo's favor. The first is the head start. The more important factor is they have monster hunter. While it remains to be seen how well it will go down its likely nintendo will be way too far ahead for microsoft and sony to catch them there when they launch. That pretty much locks support from japan in the bag already. What happens in the west will depend on how well games sell on wii u and if the risk of development on other consoles is seen as worth it. At worst this will be a situation like the gamecube. Which by the way didn't have as dire third party support as people claim it did. It had better than psp and I would argue it had better than the original xbox.

One more thing to complete my year = senran kagura localization =D