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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U GPU Type CONFIRMED! Custom AMD E6760!

OK, here is what happened, I think.

Nintendo finished the WiiU and went around and showed it to developers, and they loved it. Then they all, the developers, started thinking, wait, can it do games other than Chase Mii and such? So they called Nintendo back and Nintendo confirmed to people like Sega and UbiSoft that Wii U could handle the current games they were working on like Aliens and Assassin's Creed, and everyone was happy. So happy that UbiSoft change Killer Freaks from Outer Space into Zombie U.

Well that's not entirely true not everyone was happy cause some people suggested some tweaks like more RAM, Direct X11 support and two Gamepad support and Nintendo obliged. So Bob became everyone's uncle and Wii U's specs were finalized with a 4-5 year shelf life in mind.

So whatever the specs of the Wii U gpU are, the bottom line is that developers that Nintendo have in mind concerning games to be in development in the short term are happy with the Wii U, I think.

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.

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Baron said:
HoloDust said:

I just love when people don't want to see to reason - again e6760 is Turks based, it has exactly same clock as 6650M, so slightly downclocked 6570. Check this and see for yourself, and than compare it to links I provided for those 2 GPUs:

Now, have we established what e6760 is? Good. So if your interested in searching for more benchmarks please do, you know what to look for (6570 GDDR5) and that will give you pretty good info of what e6760 is capable of.

The AMD rep said it's a 6700 cpu so either the AMD rep is lying or Anandtech just assumed it's a Turks based on the 480 shader processors. I don't care either way because it's the performance that counts, not the chip size.


Anyways, so you're saying the e6760 is basically a 6570... Then how come the 6570 scores a lot lower than the e6760 in Vantage?

Oh, Anand is very much "inside" industry, so there's very little chance they made a mistake. As for your question...I really don't know, not that I trust manufacturers to be completely honest with their results - that's why I suggested looking at GPU scores and not P scores, and searching for more different combos, both with 6570 and 6650M, or 6750M (though the last one has no entries in 3Dmark's results).

HoloDust said:
Here are some benchmarks for 6750M that has all the specs as e6760 (except for 100MHz higher memory clock) - don't be fooled, it's still Turks based GPU, it's usual mobility trick that both AMD and nVidia are using:

If anyone finds more, please post

That's still not an e6760. First of all, and I can't stress how important this is, it's not embedded.

The first link shows the performance of a laptop. That laptop has a cpu with an integrated gpu which works alongside the 6750m in crossfire. A 6750m scores around 5000 points without the integrated gpu helping out. Anyway, there's no way to compare this to the 5870 score of the e6760 with a Athlon 620. So I won't.

The second link states "The data is based upon theoretical values and may not reflect actual value that you may obtain in gaming.". So that's useless.


What we know is that the e6760 scores 5870 points in Vantage with an Athlon II X4 620. That's all we know. Based on that and on the fact the 4850 scores just under 1000 points more with a 50% more powerful cpu I'd say the e6760 performs at least on par with a 4850. This is supported by the fact that non-overclocked Vantage results posted on by users are lower than the 5870 points AMD lists with the e6760.

HoloDust said:
Baron said:
HoloDust said:

I just love when people don't want to see to reason - again e6760 is Turks based, it has exactly same clock as 6650M, so slightly downclocked 6570. Check this and see for yourself, and than compare it to links I provided for those 2 GPUs:

Now, have we established what e6760 is? Good. So if your interested in searching for more benchmarks please do, you know what to look for (6570 GDDR5) and that will give you pretty good info of what e6760 is capable of.

The AMD rep said it's a 6700 cpu so either the AMD rep is lying or Anandtech just assumed it's a Turks based on the 480 shader processors. I don't care either way because it's the performance that counts, not the chip size.


Anyways, so you're saying the e6760 is basically a 6570... Then how come the 6570 scores a lot lower than the e6760 in Vantage?

Oh, Anand is very much "inside" industry, so there's very little chance they made a mistake. As for your question...I really don't know, not that I trust manufacturers to be completely honest with their results - that's why I suggested looking at GPU scores and not P scores, and searching for more different combos, both with 6570 and 6650M, or 6750M (though the last one has no entries in 3Dmark's results).

But we don't know the GPU score of the e6760.

The only real way to compare the e6760 to anything else is to look at Vantage scores with an Athlon II X4 620. That's the only parameter we can go by. Everything else is just speculation and guess work.

Baron said:

That's still not an e6760. First of all, and I can't stress how important this is, it's not embedded.

Wow.. people bow in front of the almighty e6760 because "it is embedded"..

Seriously, the vanilla e6760 is a graphics chip, nothing more, nothing less. A low end GPU by today's PC standards, certainly better by todayy's console standards. "Embedded" seems to have become THE buzz word, apparently. Nobody really knows what it means. But hey, sounds cool - and has no relevance at all to the WiiU discussion because its GPU is a (probably) heavily customized chip, anyway.

Around the Network
Baron said:
HoloDust said:
Here are some benchmarks for 6750M that has all the specs as e6760 (except for 100MHz higher memory clock) - don't be fooled, it's still Turks based GPU, it's usual mobility trick that both AMD and nVidia are using:

If anyone finds more, please post

That's still not an e6760. First of all, and I can't stress how important this is, it's not embedded.

The first link shows the performance of a laptop. That laptop has a cpu with an integrated gpu which works alongside the 6750m in crossfire. A 6750m scores around 5000 points without the integrated gpu helping out. Anyway, there's no way to compare this to the 5870 score of the e6760 with a Athlon 620. So I won't.

The second link states "The data is based upon theoretical values and may not reflect actual value that you may obtain in gaming.". So that's useless.


What we know is that the e6760 scores 5870 points in Vantage with an Athlon II X4 620. That's all we know. Based on that and on the fact the 4850 scores just under 1000 points more with a 50% more powerful cpu I'd say the e6760 performs at least on par with a 4850. This is supported by the fact that non-overclocked Vantage results posted on by users are lower than the 5870 points AMD lists with the e6760.

5000 score is for GPU score, P score is 5600+ (against 5870 in spec sheet of e6760), so I'd say that's pretty close.
As for 4850 - if you look you can find it by yourself, but here are 2 results at stock speeds:

That's some 1.3x of stated P score of e6760

Now, I much more prefer using pure GPU scores, as they are not that dependant of CPU - take a look at this result for 4850, but with Phenom II 955 and see that GPU score is pretty much the same as with 620

That said, if you want to persist in claiming that e6760 is not based on Turks with 480:24:8 configuration, that's your choice, if not feel free to look for GPU scores of 6570 and 6650m at stock speeds (which vary from 4500-5300) and compare them to 4850 GPU score of around 7500.

Haven't researched it, but I'm guessing it's pretty close to my 5770. With the optimisation you get on consoles, this could really produce some impressive results.

But, the burning question remains: Can the WiiU render ioi? If it can, we are set. If not, then we are domed!  It is time we get Brett in high-def UberHD glory!

So someone in AMD customer support just lost their job.

4 ≈ One

HoloDust said:
Zappykins said:
Ok, can someone answer this?

If it actually has this GPU, and since it has 480 shaders to X360's 48 shaders. Does that imply at the same hertz, that it is 10 times as powerful?

(Would I guess would transfer into 3 times better looking?)

Xenos has 3x16 shaders each with 4 ALUs running at 500MHz (I would suppose that's 192GFLOPS, but Xenos specs state 240FLOPS)

e6760 has 480 shaders running at 600MHz for 576GFLOPS

So more or less it comes down to 2.5-3 times when we talk just about shader performance.

e6760 has  50% more TMU (texture mappping units): 24 vs Xenos' 16, so difference is around 1.8x (14.4 vs 8 GTexels)

They both have same number of ROPs (render output units): 8, so difference is 1.2x (4.8 vs 4 GPixels)

All things considering, I would say on average it's about 2-2.5x more powerful

So twice, or 2.5 should be noticeable.  Not amazingly dramatic - so it playing nicely at 1080 should be true. (Not sure if that carries over to 3D though.  In my understanding 3D takes around 50% more of the processing.  And for 3D to look good you need a huge amount of processing power (Cameron's Avatar.)

Graphics eat up so much math, exponentially, that I really think you  have to double the power to notice much of a difference.  So what I gather is the difference between the WiiU and the PS3/Xbox 360 will be about the same as the Xbox vs the PS2.

Which also leaves plenty of room for the Nextbox 720 and PS4 to double that.  Although, I think if the WiiU doesn't hurt the other's sales too much, they might wait till 2014.  It all depends on sales in my opinion at this point.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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