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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo should copy Sony

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Nintendo should

be more like Sony in gene... 35 19.55%
have at least one studio like Team Ico. 53 29.61%
not bother with the segment. 91 50.84%

I truly don't understand your OP. You sound like you want Ninty to make games that appeal to you. Why? Why shouldn't Ninty do what they do best? To appeal to you? This makes no sense what so ever. So I'll just go with no, I would rather see Ninty in business.

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spurgeonryan said:
Nintendo stuffs them down our throat and sony just lets them die. Is it Killzone or Resistance that they gave up on?


phenom08 said:
I truly don't understand your OP. You sound like you want Ninty to make games that appeal to you. Why? Why shouldn't Ninty do what they do best? To appeal to you? This makes no sense what so ever. So I'll just go with no, I would rather see Ninty in business.

So Nintendo catering to a segment puts them out of business?

Sony only make so many great games because of their resourceful first parties (they have lots of now). They are bigger than Nintendo, in terms of first parties now and so create more games. I just wish Nintendo could bring back some of it's older forgotten franchises, like F-Zero (my favourite racing game) or more Donkey Kong. Mario is good, but there's to many Mario games now

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man-bear-pig said:
This verse fantastic thank you very much happy for gracing me the charts with this thread I don't know hi again thank you but this is a start by boxing in the thread this happening on the charts much tonight so pointless a lot of good friends but who cares. This comment was typed using Siri

EDIT: Fail

Please don't make a habit of making posts with Siri. That was completely incoherent.

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happydolphin said:

There are enough, true, but on which console?

Also, it is a segment that Nintendo hasn't tapped into really, and it would be nice to see if it could compete with Sony on that level, or at least try.

I acknowledge the sales of Nintendo, you didn't ask me. That's why I suggested in OP that Nintendo leaves all the cash cows as they are, but at least devote 1 internal studio to something like SotC.

Now you are just narrowing to your preferences, not for the ones on the older teenage segment. What I'm reading is "why Nintendo doesn't make a game like SotC" (whatever is the genre).

And I will answer: because they prefer to devote 1 internal studio to make games like Xenoblade (for example), which are more focused for that kind of segment than kids or soccer moms. For some people around the world, that game is better than the one you mentioned because quality and maturness are just subjective perceptions. So anyone can have an opinion, and no one will be wrong, just different.

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Pavolink said:
happydolphin said:

There are enough, true, but on which console?

Also, it is a segment that Nintendo hasn't tapped into really, and it would be nice to see if it could compete with Sony on that level, or at least try.

I acknowledge the sales of Nintendo, you didn't ask me. That's why I suggested in OP that Nintendo leaves all the cash cows as they are, but at least devote 1 internal studio to something like SotC.

Now you are just narrowing to your preferences, not for the ones on the older teenage segment. What I'm reading is "why Nintendo doesn't make a game like SotC" (whatever is the genre).

And I will answer: because they prefer to devote 1 internal studio to make games like Xenoblade (for example), which are more focused for that kind of segment than kids or soccer moms. For some people around the world, that game is better than the one you mentioned because quality and maturness are just subjective perceptions. So anyone can have an opinion, and no one will be wrong, just different.

And by that reasoning, that's why there's a dedicated segment to games like that, which are not like Xenoblade, and not like Mario, but just like SotC, UC and other more cinematic games that tap into the experience of the player (imho) that the two mentioned first (Mario and XB).

I don't think its necessary, Nintendo is doing what its good at, I wouldn't recognize them if they start developing games like Sony, or making advertisements like Sony. It makes the companies all unique.

I'm gonna start with a long, yet insightful quote by C S Lewis:

Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

So: don't worry acting like a kid (or in this case playing kids games).

But I see your point. I agree Nintendo could take a note from Sony in certain aspects. Making darker games (not neccesserily more "mature") would benifit Nintendo as it broadens their demographs. Imagine a more darker Nintendo game with all those awesome Nintendo game play and fun! They brushed some of this in Zelda TP really. The Lost Woods. That skull kid is/was a lost boy now wondering the woods looking for some one to play with. That's fucking dark. And the music made it all... even more... eerier.

But what Nintendo should learn from Sony is how to treat a great selling console at the end if it's lifespan! Sony's releasing NEW IP's at the end of the gen! Take note Nintendo!!! I wish Nintendo would risk putting out a more different game now and then, to test the waters. No need to NOT realese Mario or Zelda or what not. Now, honestly, releasing Wii Sports - and the whole Wii console - was a HUGE risk. Really.

I get what you're saying happy, and I agree somewhat =)

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Sal.Paradise said:
Mr Khan said:
Given that Nintendo is one of the few high-end developers that remains concerned with something other than "art," this would be a terrible idea.

Can you expand upon this comment further please, I'm interested. At the moment it doesn't make much sense. 

Also in response to Jay's comment

I should have added that the pursuit of technical beauty for its own sake, or the idea that games are primarily vehicles for stories (which is not to say that i believe games can't tell stories, but the story should always be a by-product of how the game is played).

Another way of interpreting my use of "art" would be developers that pursue their personal vision.

Of course, even Nintendo sometimes veers off into "art" games (see Metroid: Other M), but the results usually shock them back into doing things properly.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.