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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo should copy Sony

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Nintendo should

be more like Sony in gene... 35 19.55%
have at least one studio like Team Ico. 53 29.61%
not bother with the segment. 91 50.84%

Copy Sony?  Nope.  Not sure Nintendo gains anything from copying Sony.  Nintendo, for one thing, ends up having first-party titles that sell really well, and Nintendo does a far better job than Sony on this front.

Now, if you want to argue Nintendo should come up with some new IP that would be of interest to more core gamer audience, I can see that be argued.  Currently, Nintendo is pretty much milking their old IP, even if it may be in new ways.

Maybe with the WiiU, they could really push some new IPs, particularly doing an RTS.

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Mr Khan said:

The core issue is when developers focus on games "they" want to make, rather than games that they should make. That's the long and short of it.

Are you ready to have this fight

Because I am just raring

I totally agree. Nintendo has me, their main problem thought is they rely too much on third parties for their mature titles. Sony does it all just like Sega did, except (LOL) they were smarter about it. I wish they had Nintendo and Microsofts marketing. Also they suck at trying to get casuals to like them, they just come off like dicks.

Khuutra said:
Mr Khan said:

The core issue is when developers focus on games "they" want to make, rather than games that they should make. That's the long and short of it.

Are you ready to have this fight

Because I am just raring

Come on down to Mississauga. I'm in your land for a job interview (and wth is up with there being no free parking anywhere in downtown Toronto? I don't have any cash on me, i'm totally screwed).

You *know* that i'm not a total subscriber to the Malstrom theory, but at the end of the day it is important that developers remember the audience first. Creative freedom needs to be balanced with a bit of market tyranny.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

HabinoBR said:
MontanaHatchet said:

 They should copy how to get good games. They should copy how to get good games from the PS3. Nah mean?


Just leave if you want the topic closed. I so want to flame you right now but I don't want to get banned. Seriously, what a needless post.

You come in a thread that I took the time to make, you follow-up to a post that I'm already unsure how on topic it is just to say CLOSE TOPIC.

HabinoBR, you are not wanted in the thread.

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Fayceless said:

"games that are for kids" = entire argument is invalid.

No, really.  Games like Zelda and Metroid and Super Mario are not made for kids.  They are made for anyone who enjoys games.  If you write off any game (other than those obviously "early development"-type games) as "for kids" you are only limiting yourself as to what you can enjoy.  While I love SotC-type games and those with "mature" stories (lol-the term "mature" makes me laugh when applied to video games)... I still very much enjoy Nintendo's games like Pikmin and Mario and Pokemon.

As for whether or not Nintendo should copy Sony, why should they?  Sony is not the paragon of good business strategy.  Many people enjoy their games, but those games aren't keeping the company, nor the gaming department, in the black.  Nintendo doesn't particularly excel at that sort of story-telling, so they leave it up to second and third partied to make those sorts of games, and they are right to do so.  Nintendo does what it does best, and nobody does it better.

Nintendo applys the light-hearted and child-like (with color scales and all) approach to games, which is why they are considered the disney of videogames. They are made to attract children and generally casuals. You'll find this is true with Nintendo products being more dear to women and children than any other brand and actually sharing a proper percentage of sales between males and females. The DS was like 50/50 in sales between both genders where as the others were dominated by men. I am sure the Wii was somewhere up there too.  It's not that Nintendo isn't good at making certain's that they don't want to because their first part represents them as a company.

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Nintendo applys the light-hearted and child-like (with color scales and all) approach to games, which is why they are considered the disney of videogames. They are made to attract children and generally casuals. You'll find this is true with Nintendo products being more dear to women and children than any other brand and actually sharing a proper percentage of sales between males and females. The DS was like 50/50 in sales between both genders where as the others were dominated by men. I am sure the Wii was somewhere up there too.  It's not that Nintendo isn't good at making certain's that they don't want to because their first part represents them as a company.

Metroid is clearly a great example of a light-hearted Nintendo franchise with a large female fanbase (well actually the second part may be true).

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
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Ironic how Sony copied Nintendo in the past.

iFlow said:
Ironic how Sony copied Nintendo in the past.

Yes, Sony has copied Nintendo, but what makes Sony great was its own doing. The same goes for Microsoft and Nintendo. What makes them all great is what they brought to the gaming table.

first reaction: HAHAHAHAHAH are you f ing kidding me..


second reaction: hahaha are serious? why the hell should they?....



make a system lose 100$ for each console sold... yeah exellent buisness... you do know that Nintendo doesn't have the same options right?


nm have had to much to drink today to give an actuall response....

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints