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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Non Nintendo fans, what do you think of the WiiU now?

SunofKratos said:
at d21lewis: Can you please give us a plausible reason why we should sell our consoles because of Wii U? because i dont see one really.

Because 95% of the games i can get for my PS3 too and from the Exclusive games i am interestet i count more than 10

God of war Ascention
The Last of Us
Sly 4
Until Dawn
Final Fantasy vs 13
The Unfinsihed Swan
Little Big Planet karting
Playstation Battle Royal

So is there a reason for me to sell my pS3 and buy a Wii U? Is your comment seriously or just a joke.If its not a joke than please show some strong reasons why i should sold my PS3.

I just pre ordered my Wii U Deluxe at bestbuy yesterday, and I also have 4 games on pre order from your list of PS3 games. Why limit yourself to only the PS3? He's obviously joking btw, he loves his 360 :P

Around the Network
S.T.A.G.E. said:
dahuman said:
sub-zero-TM said:
Yeah it's cool not bad but i am not bying it, Wii U is hardly a next gen console Wii U is this gen console but i might buy it if you can play Wii games on it.

Once the Wii U comes out, Wii, 360 and PS3 will all be considered last gen in timeline perspective. You can play Wii games on it btw, just not GC games.

.....If you've seen the new Unreal Engine and the Fox Engine, what the Wii U has shown is far from next gen.

I can always bring up the PC argument and blow that completely out the water though, console gen is usually based on time line and not the technology behind it because PC is so much more superior on a graphical scale.

dahuman said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
dahuman said:
sub-zero-TM said:
Yeah it's cool not bad but i am not bying it, Wii U is hardly a next gen console Wii U is this gen console but i might buy it if you can play Wii games on it.

Once the Wii U comes out, Wii, 360 and PS3 will all be considered last gen in timeline perspective. You can play Wii games on it btw, just not GC games.

.....If you've seen the new Unreal Engine and the Fox Engine, what the Wii U has shown is far from next gen.

I can always bring up the PC argument and blow that completely out the water though, console gen is usually based on time line and not the technology behind it because PC is so much more superior on a graphical scale.

You could try. The PC isn't a console. The next gen engines are being run on PC's which is giving us a visual of what we can expect next gen on consoles. You know very well the very risky titles will be created with highest resolutions on PC but will be marketed more towards the console crowd as thats where the bulk of the profit will come from. New gens come with a chance for new gems.

I love it when people use hardcore and next gen in there arguments thinking they know what there talking about, so based on that logic the ps2 was part of the ps1 generation compared to gamecude and the 360 was part of the gamecube generation??


S.T.A.G.E. said:
dahuman said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
dahuman said:
sub-zero-TM said:
Yeah it's cool not bad but i am not bying it, Wii U is hardly a next gen console Wii U is this gen console but i might buy it if you can play Wii games on it.

Once the Wii U comes out, Wii, 360 and PS3 will all be considered last gen in timeline perspective. You can play Wii games on it btw, just not GC games.

.....If you've seen the new Unreal Engine and the Fox Engine, what the Wii U has shown is far from next gen.

I can always bring up the PC argument and blow that completely out the water though, console gen is usually based on time line and not the technology behind it because PC is so much more superior on a graphical scale.

You could try. The PC isn't a console. The next gen engines are being run on PC's which is giving us a visual of what we can expect next gen on consoles. You know very well the very risky titles will be created with highest resolutions on PC but will be marketed more towards the console crowd as thats where the bulk of the profit will come from. New gens come with a chance for new gems.

I don't know man, Valve is definitely up to something, and no, PC is not a console, consoles are just trying more to become like a PC or tablet, it's a constant catch up game, and if it weren't for PC, DD and Microtransaction would still be untested water and you'd have seen another game industry crash without the PC techs advancing.

Anyhow, the UE4 and FOX engines actually don't mean much, Wii U is more current gen graphics considering that it doesn't use DX11 so the tessellation unit won't be depended on that particular API(DX10.1 vs 11 is really not a whole lot of difference other than the tessellation anyways, and the AMD 7 series does have the unit built in that doesn't follow the DX11 standard much like the 360, the engines would just require code tweaking) , while the 360 and PS3 are last gen graphics based on DX9 if you count actual graphical power, as far as graphical specs go, Wii U tech is actually very much on modern PC terms and more powerful than some budget gaming PCs considering consoles don't have like a million background tasks, though more ram for games wouldn't hurt, I'm not so sold on the 1GB only for games part, 1GB for OS is kinda ridiculously big for a console lol, hopefully they optimize the OS and give more to games later down the road.

Around the Network
SunofKratos said:
at d21lewis: Can you please give us a plausible reason why we should sell our consoles because of Wii U? because i dont see one really.

Because 95% of the games i can get for my PS3 too and from the Exclusive games i am interestet i count more than 10

God of war Ascention
The Last of Us
Sly 4
Until Dawn
Final Fantasy vs 13
The Unfinsihed Swan
Little Big Planet karting
Playstation Battle Royal

So is there a reason for me to sell my pS3 and buy a Wii U? Is your comment seriously or just a joke.If its not a joke than please show some strong reasons why i should sold my PS3.

Perhaps these links will enlighten you: and

So what have we learned?  Never trust a crab-guy with a mustache.

MegaDrive08 said:
I love it when people use hardcore and next gen in there arguments thinking they know what there talking about, so based on that logic the ps2 was part of the ps1 generation compared to gamecude and the 360 was part of the gamecube generation??

hardcore gamer makes no sense anyways, I can play a game hard core, but I'm really just a core gamer as in I play  a lot of games. hardcore gamer is a stupid term.

generation arguments can be tricky though, when I'm talking next generation, on the console side, I look at time line, on the graphical side, I look at PCs, like right now, Wii U is next gen, when it comes out, it will be current gen, PS3 and 360 will be last gen, and the next xbox and ps will also be current gen with Wii U, it's a whole fucked up mess really.

Heavenly_King said:

The only thing that surprised me was Bayonetta 2 for the WiiU only. Not because of the exclusivity per se, but because the developers are treating like crap the gamers that supported their first game.

The WiiU can have all the exclusives they want, and I wont give a damn, as long as any other companies don't follow this nonsensical stupidity. Releasing a new IP on certain consoles, and make the sequel exclusive for another one, in which gamers don't give a damn about that genre, and don't know what the fuck the franchise is about; is just brilliant (not).....LMAO

Now this franchise does not exist for me anymore, nor any other "Platinum games + Sega" title, because they may end up doing the same thing again. If they don't show me, as a costumer, respect; then I wont have any respect to show them, and they wont get my money. I know it is bit radical, but what Sega allowed this time is pure crap.

The other news about the specs, and the other exclusive games and ports are unimportant for me, because I dont give a damn about mario, zelda, pokemon, metroid, etc. For me the 1st party exclusives Sony develops are the games I need, and enjoy. And I am sure, that the games 360 users get, are what they enjoy the most, and most dont give a damn about nintendo franchises.

I think that the console will fail, because it´s main "appealing" factor is the gigantic controller, that I find it quite annoying if you need to look at 2 screens at the same time if you want to get "the whole" experience of the game. And for those who say..."you can play the games with the other controller", so according to them it is just a PS3/360,....... why would I be interested in that, if I already have one?

The developers wanted their game to see the light of day. Nintendo was willing to fund and publish the game. Sega wasn't. So P+ games is "betraying" their fans buy doing what they can to make sure the series continues? Really.?

dahuman said:
MegaDrive08 said:
I love it when people use hardcore and next gen in there arguments thinking they know what there talking about, so based on that logic the ps2 was part of the ps1 generation compared to gamecude and the 360 was part of the gamecube generation??

hardcore gamer makes no sense anyways, I can play a game hard core, but I'm really just a core gamer as in I play  a lot of games. hardcore gamer is a stupid term.

generation arguments can be tricky though, when I'm talking next generation, on the console side, I look at time line, on the graphical side, I look at PCs, like right now, Wii U is next gen, when it comes out, it will be current gen, PS3 and 360 will be last gen, and the next xbox and ps will also be current gen with Wii U, it's a whole fucked up mess really.

I actually started making a thread on that very subject this morning but I just couldn't get it all to flow together.  I mean, the Wii wasn't much more powerful than an Xbox but it was part of a different generation.  Meanwhile, the 3DO came out like three or four years before the N64 and they are part of the same gen.  And the Neo Geo was waaaaay more powerful than a Genesis but they're the same gen.  It gets confusing.  I think we've reached the point where "generations" are irrelevant and impossible to define.

What I am seeing with WiiU right now is Nintendo giving competitive hardware, good price, but yet again the games lack any "standout" exclusives for me. Its PS3 launch all over again except this time the WiiU has like 70+ games coming early..........but more than half of them are available on PS360 right now and for less. The fact hardened NIN fans/media are saying this is a great line up is a tad hypocritical seeing the flack PS3 and Vita got for so long.

Just like PS3 early on, the hardware is there, but the list of enticing exclusives that would break me to get one aren't there. The 2GBs of ram that WiiU has though is mouth watering, with 1G dedicated to OS stuff there should not be any issues implementing many snazzy features like cross game Vid Chat, ect.




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PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)