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dahuman said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
dahuman said:
sub-zero-TM said:
Yeah it's cool not bad but i am not bying it, Wii U is hardly a next gen console Wii U is this gen console but i might buy it if you can play Wii games on it.

Once the Wii U comes out, Wii, 360 and PS3 will all be considered last gen in timeline perspective. You can play Wii games on it btw, just not GC games.

.....If you've seen the new Unreal Engine and the Fox Engine, what the Wii U has shown is far from next gen.

I can always bring up the PC argument and blow that completely out the water though, console gen is usually based on time line and not the technology behind it because PC is so much more superior on a graphical scale.

You could try. The PC isn't a console. The next gen engines are being run on PC's which is giving us a visual of what we can expect next gen on consoles. You know very well the very risky titles will be created with highest resolutions on PC but will be marketed more towards the console crowd as thats where the bulk of the profit will come from. New gens come with a chance for new gems.