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Heavenly_King said:

The only thing that surprised me was Bayonetta 2 for the WiiU only. Not because of the exclusivity per se, but because the developers are treating like crap the gamers that supported their first game.

The WiiU can have all the exclusives they want, and I wont give a damn, as long as any other companies don't follow this nonsensical stupidity. Releasing a new IP on certain consoles, and make the sequel exclusive for another one, in which gamers don't give a damn about that genre, and don't know what the fuck the franchise is about; is just brilliant (not).....LMAO

Now this franchise does not exist for me anymore, nor any other "Platinum games + Sega" title, because they may end up doing the same thing again. If they don't show me, as a costumer, respect; then I wont have any respect to show them, and they wont get my money. I know it is bit radical, but what Sega allowed this time is pure crap.

The other news about the specs, and the other exclusive games and ports are unimportant for me, because I dont give a damn about mario, zelda, pokemon, metroid, etc. For me the 1st party exclusives Sony develops are the games I need, and enjoy. And I am sure, that the games 360 users get, are what they enjoy the most, and most dont give a damn about nintendo franchises.

I think that the console will fail, because it´s main "appealing" factor is the gigantic controller, that I find it quite annoying if you need to look at 2 screens at the same time if you want to get "the whole" experience of the game. And for those who say..."you can play the games with the other controller", so according to them it is just a PS3/360,....... why would I be interested in that, if I already have one?

The developers wanted their game to see the light of day. Nintendo was willing to fund and publish the game. Sega wasn't. So P+ games is "betraying" their fans buy doing what they can to make sure the series continues? Really.?