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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do X360 exclusives sell more than PS3 exclusives?

I encourage OPs the NOT list 360/pc games as exclusives. Then we get the PC guys against us and that isnt ideal.

The thread is 360 vs PS3 and logically you show games on one and not available on the other. But using the word exclusive gets the PC panties in a bunch lol.

Its very irritating to see PC fans get into a 360 vs PS3 thread.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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Also, a lot of 360 exclusives seem to focus on multiplayer like Halo, Gears, L4D, etc. While many of the PS3's games focus on single-player Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, God of War, etc.

And of course, it's common knowledge that single-player games are rented and sold used lot more than multiplayer games. According to BenVtigger, the used-game market is huge. He claims that the Borderlands install-base is huge even though sales aren't that high. That would make sense considering the huge pre-order numbers for Borderlands 2.

With that in mind, it wouldn't surprise me if many of those single-player focused PS3 exclusives actually had install-bases much larger than those numbers suggest.

So that, along with better marketing, more appealing titles, and a much larger install-base in North America explains a lot.

The butt hurtness (I know it's not a real word) in this thread is great lolololol.

So why do 360 exclusives sell more than PS3 exclusives?

I guess it's just because the 360 is popular in the US and the exclusives for both consoles cater to the gamers here. There are several reasons but I think that is one of them.

Personally I prefer the PS3. Most 360 games are made focusing on multiplayer first. I do enjoy playing multiplayer games but I enjoy a game with a good single player much more. That's why I like the PS3 exclusives. You can't say Halo has a better story/single player than Uncharted. It just can't compete. However Halo takes the multiplayer.

So... what I understand from this thread is that even with a split user base games on PC/360 still outsell PS3 exclusives...

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Jazz2K said:
So... what I understand from this thread is that even with a split user base games on PC/360 still outsell PS3 exclusives...

Some of the PC/360 exclusives outsold some of the PS3 exclusives. But all of the PC/360 did not outsell all of the PS3 exclusives.

darkshadow23 said:
So why do 360 exclusives sell more than PS3 exclusives?

I guess it's just because the 360 is popular in the US and the exclusives for both consoles cater to the gamers here. There are several reasons but I think that is one of them.

That's probably the most significant factor imo.

Also, another explanation. The 360's biggest series, Halo and Gears, have both had three installments. In contrast, the  PS3's biggest series has only had one installment. The fact that the PS3's biggest series isn't on the list multiple times explains some of the lowness.

Also, Halo really is the only game doing considerably more than the PS3 exclusives. Gears does is the next biggest exclusive and it isn't that much higher than what the PS3 does. Apart from Halo, the PS3 and 360 really aren't that different in terms of sales. 

Perhaps, if Gran Turismo had three different installments and if Uncharted 1 was as good as Uncharted 2, the list would be almost exactly the same. But that's not the case, and it exlpains a lot.

And of course, Kinect was bundled extremely, so there isn't much to explain there. 

Jay520 said:
Jazz2K said:
So... what I understand from this thread is that even with a split user base games on PC/360 still outsell PS3 exclusives...

Some of the PC/360 exclusives outsold some of the PS3 exclusives. But all of the PC/360 did not outsell all of the PS3 exclusives.

Yea of course I was just laughing because of that argument.


There might be a lot of explanations too.

Sony produces more exclusive franchises, some of these franchises get forgotten real fast expecially whe new exclusives are coming. You can't gather a lot of user base on franchises that people forget. A game like Uncharted gets more sales when Uncharted 2 and 3 are released because of the publicity about the Uncharted games. Some people buy sequels more than originals... Halo is a game everybody knows even if they don't game because it's a game peopel always talk about almost every years there's a new one. 

360's user base is mainly in America and 360 games are more multiplayer centered. Buying a single player game is not the same as buying a multiplayer game that you'll play for hundread hours. Sony needs to understand this.

I know a lot of people that think paying for Live is ridiculous but at some point people that paid for one year subscription want to use it so they buy games that use it IE multiplayer games.

That's how I see it.

And for the PS3's first two years, it didn't really get any big exclusives. (One could blame that on the PS3's complicated artcitecture). While the 360 got a head start with Gears 1, Halo 3, and I'm pretty sure there was some other game (Forza, I think). The PS3 didn't really get it's first big game until 2008 with MGS4. But by then, the 360 was already releasing a second installment in the growing Gears franchise. The 360 not only had a head start by releasing one year earlier than the PS3. It also had a head start because many devs had a hard time developing games on the PS3 in the beginning. This gave the 360 an enourmous software advantage for about the first three years of it's life. The PS3 was just creating it's big games in 2008-2009.(Hell, the PS3's biggest exclusive didn't release until 2010. Talk about a missed opportunity). While in that same period, the 360 was already growing it's already established blockbusters.

So, when you look back at the 360 vs PS3 exclusives. The 360's is gonna have many games in those early years where the PS3 didn't really get any. And for when the PS3 did get big exclusives, they also had less time to sell than 360 exclusives that released earlier. There's an entire chunk of history where the 360 was pumping out plenty of high-selling games while the PS3 simply was not.