And for the PS3's first two years, it didn't really get any big exclusives. (One could blame that on the PS3's complicated artcitecture). While the 360 got a head start with Gears 1, Halo 3, and I'm pretty sure there was some other game (Forza, I think). The PS3 didn't really get it's first big game until 2008 with MGS4. But by then, the 360 was already releasing a second installment in the growing Gears franchise. The 360 not only had a head start by releasing one year earlier than the PS3. It also had a head start because many devs had a hard time developing games on the PS3 in the beginning. This gave the 360 an enourmous software advantage for about the first three years of it's life. The PS3 was just creating it's big games in 2008-2009.(Hell, the PS3's biggest exclusive didn't release until 2010. Talk about a missed opportunity). While in that same period, the 360 was already growing it's already established blockbusters.
So, when you look back at the 360 vs PS3 exclusives. The 360's is gonna have many games in those early years where the PS3 didn't really get any. And for when the PS3 did get big exclusives, they also had less time to sell than 360 exclusives that released earlier. There's an entire chunk of history where the 360 was pumping out plenty of high-selling games while the PS3 simply was not.