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Also, another explanation. The 360's biggest series, Halo and Gears, have both had three installments. In contrast, the  PS3's biggest series has only had one installment. The fact that the PS3's biggest series isn't on the list multiple times explains some of the lowness.

Also, Halo really is the only game doing considerably more than the PS3 exclusives. Gears does is the next biggest exclusive and it isn't that much higher than what the PS3 does. Apart from Halo, the PS3 and 360 really aren't that different in terms of sales. 

Perhaps, if Gran Turismo had three different installments and if Uncharted 1 was as good as Uncharted 2, the list would be almost exactly the same. But that's not the case, and it exlpains a lot.

And of course, Kinect was bundled extremely, so there isn't much to explain there.