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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why do X360 exclusives sell more than PS3 exclusives?

Carl2291 said:
Another reason would be the Yearly Holiday bundles. At least half of Forza 2 and Forza 3s sales were bundled, for example. Halo Reach, ODST had sustained bundles too, although those are Halo so sell extremely well anyway.

Halo: Reach was only bundled as a digital copy, so bundling didn't effect its VGChartz sales

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smroadkill15 said:

Here is a top 30. Same rules apply. Comparing only ps3/360 and nothing else. Games like Fable 3 count.

Xbox 360 exclusives ps3 exclusives
Kinect Adventures   16.85 Grand Turismo 5           7.81
Halo 3                        11.57 Uncharted 2                  5.69                    
Halo Reach                9.12 MGS4                             5.67
Gears of War 2         6.52 LBP                                 4.96
Halo 3:ODST             6.07 Uncharted 3                 4.53       
Gears of War            5.96 God of War 3                4.44
Gears of War 3         5.51 Uncharted                     4.26
Forza 3                      5.09 GT5: Prologue              4.10           
Fable 3                      4.83 Resistance:FOM          4.07
Kinect Sports           4.42 Motorstorm                 3.74
Fable 2                      4.07 Sports Champion        3.34
Forza 2                      3.98 Killzone 2                      2.86
Left4dead 2              3.51 LBP2                              2.61
left4dead                  3.11 GOW Collection          2.50
Dance Central          2.81 R&CF: TOD                   2.38     
Mass Effect               2.65 Resistance 2                 2.33
Forza 4                      2.33 Killzone 3                      2.32
Halo Wars                2.16 Infamous                      2.23
Saints Row               2.12 Heavy Rain                   2.19
Kinect Sports 2       2.02 Demon Souls               1.64
Dead Rising             1.98   R&C: CIT                       1.63
TC SC: Conviction   1.98 Heavenly Sword          1.56
PGR4                        1.96 Ridge racer 7                1.30
Halo:CEA                 1.93 Infamous 2                   1.25
Dance Central 2     1.71 MAG                              1.25
Crackdown              1.68 motorstorm: PR           1.22
viva Pinata              1.56 Resistance 3                 1.18
Kinectimals             1.26 Socom:Confrontation  1.17
Kinect Joy Ride       1.19 Ninja Gaiden sigma     1.08
Alan Wake               1.17 Hot shot Golf: OB        1.07
ANOTHER 360 ~1.15  

In the end it's pretty damn close, so I don't even see a need to argue over it.


360: 105.42m
PS3: 86.38

~19m diff.

Farsala said:
3 reasons come to mind.
1. Xbox 360 came out a year before PS3, thus an infinite year head start on software in many aspects.
2. North Americans (360 land) on average buy more games then Europeans (Sony land).
3. Sony focuses on new IPs more then MS.

In Europe, X360's have a higher games sold per console ratio than the PS3

man-bear-pig said:
Farsala said:
3 reasons come to mind.
1. Xbox 360 came out a year before PS3, thus an infinite year head start on software in many aspects.
2. North Americans (360 land) on average buy more games then Europeans (Sony land).
3. Sony focuses on new IPs more then MS.

In Europe, X360's have a higher games sold per console ratio than the PS3

NA is still bigger than Europe (for all consoles). And his statement was a bit off. Europe is pretty much even. It's the other markets outside of Europe where its Sony Land. And even then, its only by a small amount.

Oh you said tie-ratio. What's that supposed to suggest?

The Xbox had a higher tie ratio than the PS2. Doesn't change the fact that the world was pretty much Sony land at the time.

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it is simple. There are more ps3 exclusive games than 360 so the ps3 gamer has more of a choice.

maverick40 said:
it is simple. There are more ps3 exclusive games than 360 so the ps3 gamer has more of a choice.

Not true, there are actually more X360 exclusives than PS3 exclusives

Jay520 said:
Oh you said tie-ratio. What's that supposed to suggest?

The Xbox had a higher tie ratio than the PS2. Doesn't change the fact that the world was pretty much Sony land at the time.

I was just pointing out that X360 has more games sold per console than the PS3 in Europe too to disprove the Europe = Sony land myth.

And yeah, tie-ratios don't mean much when the userbase is vastly different (PS2 and Xbox), but it means much more in current gen context because hardware totals are very similar

maverick40 said:
it is simple. There are more ps3 exclusive games than 360 so the ps3 gamer has more of a choice.

and because all of these great exclusives, ps3-owners can't decide which game to buy and decide to not buy games - or how can more exclusives result in a worse software:hardware-ratio?

sony exclusives are bundled just as much as xbox exclusives