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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Metroid Other M any good?

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Should RedInker buy Metroid Other M?

Yep! 79 72.48%
Nah 27 24.77%

it's an excellent addition to any gamer, the only thing that I dont like it's the music it's boring, and for me the best games in the series is the metroid prime trilogy, highly recommended

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As a game, probably the best "2D" Metroid game made. Story on the other hand.

Crono141 said:
curl-6 said:
Red4ADevil said:

My biggest pet peeve with people when it comes to them giving their own opinions about certain games (mainly Nintendo), is that they tend to ignore the positive aspects no matter bad or how good the game is (which is why I can never take Morgan Webb seriously as a reviewer anymore) and only (at least mainly) focus on the negative parts.

With that in mind, thats all I see (or hear I mean) when people talk about Metroid Other M. They bitch about how they made her into some kind of drama queen, or how they screwed up with her emotional side, story, linearity etc. If you enjoy the game overall, then good, But if you don't like the game because of all the little flaws it has, and don't bother with the positive aspects then you're just a whiny little kid who can't get his or her own way.

People can have their own opinions; thats their right, but that does not justify their selfishness. You don't see people bitching about games like Skyrim despite it's flaws (all the bugs it has).

Frankly the only real positives I can think of for Other M are its graphics and some of its music. So it's not so much a matter of "all the little flaws" but more a matter of "95% of it is flawed, so just talking about the bad pretty much sums it up."

And I'm more than happy to bitch about Skyrim's unforgiveable glitchiness if you'd like me too. ;)

Agree.  I tried to like this game, but there was so very little to like.  I wanted it to be a good game.  I wanted to see Samus's back story more fleshed out.  But what we got was terrible in almost every conceivable way.

Yeah I shoul'dve edited that part a bit. Thats really my point.; they seem to do this mostly to nintendo no mattter how good their games are, some will always complain and belittle them. Where as an hd game they'l give it an ok review despite seeing all the troubles, bugs, flaws etc. People really do have  love/hate relationship with Nintendo. curl-6 you can bitch about it all you want, just don't let it get to your head.

Red4ADevil said:
Crono141 said:
curl-6 said:
Red4ADevil said:

My biggest pet peeve with people when it comes to them giving their own opinions about certain games (mainly Nintendo), is that they tend to ignore the positive aspects no matter bad or how good the game is (which is why I can never take Morgan Webb seriously as a reviewer anymore) and only (at least mainly) focus on the negative parts.

With that in mind, thats all I see (or hear I mean) when people talk about Metroid Other M. They bitch about how they made her into some kind of drama queen, or how they screwed up with her emotional side, story, linearity etc. If you enjoy the game overall, then good, But if you don't like the game because of all the little flaws it has, and don't bother with the positive aspects then you're just a whiny little kid who can't get his or her own way.

People can have their own opinions; thats their right, but that does not justify their selfishness. You don't see people bitching about games like Skyrim despite it's flaws (all the bugs it has).

Frankly the only real positives I can think of for Other M are its graphics and some of its music. So it's not so much a matter of "all the little flaws" but more a matter of "95% of it is flawed, so just talking about the bad pretty much sums it up."

And I'm more than happy to bitch about Skyrim's unforgiveable glitchiness if you'd like me too. ;)

Agree.  I tried to like this game, but there was so very little to like.  I wanted it to be a good game.  I wanted to see Samus's back story more fleshed out.  But what we got was terrible in almost every conceivable way.

Yeah I shoul'dve edited that part a bit. Thats really my point.; they seem to do this mostly to nintendo no mattter how good their games are, some will always complain and belittle them. Where as an hd game they'l give it an ok review despite seeing all the troubles, bugs, flaws etc. People really do have  love/hate relationship with Nintendo. curl-6 you can bitch about it all you want, just don't let it get to your head.

I know what you mean about the anti-Nintendo bias, it's rampant on many sites. You won't hear it from me, however. I firmly believe that Nintendo is the best  developer in the industry. Other M is just one of their mistakes. A turd among the diamonds.

At ten bucks, the game is worth, totally.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

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How many points is Super Metroid on VC? I've had a look at trying to get the Prime trilogy too. I really don't know why I've never tried this series.

RedInker said:
How many points is Super Metroid on VC? I've had a look at trying to get the Prime trilogy too. I really don't know why I've never tried this series.

Super Metroid is 800 pts. Metroid Prime Trilogy is a fantastic package but it can be a pain to find for a decent price.

Visually the game is gorgeous. Great texture work, particles, fluid framrate, animation, Just all around pretty game. As for the story? It gets alot of flack but imo it actually turned samus into a character, something no other title has done before it. It actually had a story placed at the forefront of the title. The gameplay is good, but there are parts that will have you scratching your head and asking wtf? Such as a few scenes in the first person mode where you have no clues to find a small hidden totally insiginificant object before you can move on. Those scenes are awful. Great game tho and at the price now its easily worth it. I say go for it

Games are fun.

the gameplay is a solid 8 but the story is meh

the Prime games are amazing though if you haven't played them

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Crono141 said:
shakarak said:
The hate is completely unjustified. The game was great, and took metroid in a good direction. Nintendo needs more story driven games and I feel that's what they were trying to accomplish with Samus. The gameplay was very fun and addicting, and the cutscenes were awesome. The story wasn't quite the best, but it was certainly better then the story we've had in the previous games. I do like the Primes more (because of all the side stuff) but Other M was a great 10 hour thrill ride.

The hate is completely justified for many reasons listed above.  This games whole point was for samus to say, continuously "Hey, I'm a woman, and I have daddy issues."  If the next metroid is anything like OtherM, I'll completely skip it, and so will most folks who actually played super metroid for any length of time.  Team Ninja may have killed this franchise, just as Namco killed Starfox.

I do like the idea of more dialog and story in Metroid series.  But the specifics of this story made up probably the worst video game plot abortion I had ever witnessed.

If you want to try out metroid, start with Super Metroid or Zero Mission on the GBA.  Technically as far as story goes, Zero Mission comes first.  The intro to Super Metroid summarizes Metroid 1 and Metroid 2 well enough that you can start on it, though.  After that, play the prime series (Wii version with pointer controls.  So much better.)  Then play Metroid 4 for GBA (which is very linear, and more story driven).  Then, if you REALLY want to see how bad OtherM is, play it.  After playing through all the other games, it'll be impossible not to agree that it is by far the worst metroid game ever created. 

Will you people stop blaming Team Ninja already. Sakamoto did the writing, and he insisted on the control scheme. WTF did Team Ninja do wrong?