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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Metroid Other M any good?

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Should RedInker buy Metroid Other M?

Yep! 79 72.48%
Nah 27 24.77%
Crono141 said:
I actually enjoyed SF Command. The numerous endings gave an otherwise short game lots of replay value. It wasn't SF or SF64 good, by any means, but I still enjoyed it.

ANYWAY. I personally feel that OtherM is the beginning of the end for the Metroid franchise, and that makes me very sad.

I don't see why. The low sales response is likely to make Nintendo think twice about pursuing a game quite in that vein again, and the game really had no impact on Metroid canon, aside from filling in some of the questions that Metroid Fusion opened up.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Mr Khan said:
Crono141 said:
I actually enjoyed SF Command. The numerous endings gave an otherwise short game lots of replay value. It wasn't SF or SF64 good, by any means, but I still enjoyed it.

ANYWAY. I personally feel that OtherM is the beginning of the end for the Metroid franchise, and that makes me very sad.

I don't see why. The low sales response is likely to make Nintendo think twice about pursuing a game quite in that vein again, and the game really had no impact on Metroid canon, aside from filling in some of the questions that Metroid Fusion opened up.

I have actually read that Other M is just a game explaining material that is already cannon through various nintendo manga and comic stories.  Which makes it even worse.

Check out my Youtube Let's Play channel here.

RolStoppable said:
curl-6 said:

Adventures was 99% on foot. It's still part of the series. And all the flashy graphics in the world can't cover up a fundamentally flawed concept and bland Zelda-lite gameplay.

You don't seem to understand the difference between a mainline game and a spinoff. Even if SFA was the worst game in the world, it would not have killed Star Fox, because people would have said that it was never a proper Star Fox game to begin with and the quality of the series would be judged on the next mainline entry. Which was the mediocre Assault, followed by the mediocre Command. These are also unsurprisingly the games with the worst sales in the series.

Spin-offs are still part of a series and contribute to its quality. The franchise went from good to crap with Adventures, hence that's the one that killed it. It even introduced the on-foot stuff that dragged down Assault.


And I too hope that Nintendo realise their mistake with Other M; they probably will given its sales, but they might just take those to mean "fans don't want new things" instead of "fans don't want new things that ruin the entire franchise."

I think the hate is a tad overblown; technically its a mighty fine game with lackluster story telling. But for £10, its well worth it...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

The game is pretty good, though as a metroid game, it needs some serious work. Though if you wanted to get into the franchise; like everyone her said try Super Metroid.Its the best 2D metroid game..........On a side note

My biggest pet peeve with people when it comes to them giving their own opinions about certain games (mainly Nintendo), is that they tend to ignore the positive aspects no matter bad or how good the game is (which is why I can never take Morgan Webb seriously as a reviewer anymore) and only (at least mainly) focus on the negative parts.

With that in mind, thats all I see (or hear I mean) when people talk about Metroid Other M. They bitch about how they made her into some kind of drama queen, or how they screwed up with her emotional side, story, linearity etc. If you enjoy the game overall, then good, But if you don't like the game because of all the little flaws it has, and don't bother with the positive aspects then you're just a whiny little kid who can't get his or her own way.

People can have their own opinions; thats their right, but that does not justify their selfishness. You don't see people bitching about games like Skyrim despite it's flaws (all the bugs it has).

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maverick40 said:
The worst metroid game ever made. Every design decision was bad and they ruined Samus Aran forever.

Other M is a 100 times better than Hunters.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


Personally I enjoyed the 2D gameplay of Metroid: Other M, more-so than 3D Prime which I find painfully slow and dull.
I don't play games for story-lines, so I just ignored that aspect of Other M.


Red4ADevil said:

My biggest pet peeve with people when it comes to them giving their own opinions about certain games (mainly Nintendo), is that they tend to ignore the positive aspects no matter bad or how good the game is (which is why I can never take Morgan Webb seriously as a reviewer anymore) and only (at least mainly) focus on the negative parts.

With that in mind, thats all I see (or hear I mean) when people talk about Metroid Other M. They bitch about how they made her into some kind of drama queen, or how they screwed up with her emotional side, story, linearity etc. If you enjoy the game overall, then good, But if you don't like the game because of all the little flaws it has, and don't bother with the positive aspects then you're just a whiny little kid who can't get his or her own way.

People can have their own opinions; thats their right, but that does not justify their selfishness. You don't see people bitching about games like Skyrim despite it's flaws (all the bugs it has).

Frankly the only real positives I can think of for Other M are its graphics and some of its music. So it's not so much a matter of "all the little flaws" but more a matter of "95% of it is flawed, so just talking about the bad pretty much sums it up."

And I'm more than happy to bitch about Skyrim's unforgiveable glitchiness if you'd like me too. ;)

curl-6 said:
Red4ADevil said:

My biggest pet peeve with people when it comes to them giving their own opinions about certain games (mainly Nintendo), is that they tend to ignore the positive aspects no matter bad or how good the game is (which is why I can never take Morgan Webb seriously as a reviewer anymore) and only (at least mainly) focus on the negative parts.

With that in mind, thats all I see (or hear I mean) when people talk about Metroid Other M. They bitch about how they made her into some kind of drama queen, or how they screwed up with her emotional side, story, linearity etc. If you enjoy the game overall, then good, But if you don't like the game because of all the little flaws it has, and don't bother with the positive aspects then you're just a whiny little kid who can't get his or her own way.

People can have their own opinions; thats their right, but that does not justify their selfishness. You don't see people bitching about games like Skyrim despite it's flaws (all the bugs it has).

Frankly the only real positives I can think of for Other M are its graphics and some of its music. So it's not so much a matter of "all the little flaws" but more a matter of "95% of it is flawed, so just talking about the bad pretty much sums it up."

And I'm more than happy to bitch about Skyrim's unforgiveable glitchiness if you'd like me too. ;)

Agree.  I tried to like this game, but there was so very little to like.  I wanted it to be a good game.  I wanted to see Samus's back story more fleshed out.  But what we got was terrible in almost every conceivable way.

Check out my Youtube Let's Play channel here.

No I wouldnt get it the game is terrible not even for $10 it takes something really terrible to destroy an entire franchise. The Metroid series is dead because of that game.

Terrible story,gameplay, soundtrack. Buy any other metroid game and it exceeds in these three things.