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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Should cheating men be castrated?

What about cheating women

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Wow, just wow. Evangelical "if you don't follow my outdated code of ethics you need to have your balls cut off." And they say I'm the fanatic.

Look, I'm going to lay down something mindblowing for you: as adults, both men and women can fuck whomever they wish, the law has no place in the bedroom (with obvious exceptions, such as abuse and pedo stuff, but that goes without saying), and if there's an instance of infidelity, that's up to the couple to decide what happens. Not to mention this comment (lying, cheating men who break women's hearts) is so astoundingly sexist it can only come from ignorant, outdated morals.

What about me? I'm not monogamous, I have multiple partners both emotionally and physically, should I be castrated because I dare enjoy the intimate company of more than one person?

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I believe this is a troll...or a 4channer...

RolStoppable said:
xKakashi209x said:
What about cheating women

Well, I am sure you've read my post regarding the kind of punishment for men, so I propose that women should feel equal pain: They will have to do the housework, make sandwiches and (this is most important and outright brutal) will not be allowed to moan for a month.

Wait what? I thought it was something they loved doing each day. 

Ps3 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
No they shouldn't. That's just barbaric and shouldn't even be up for debate in a civilized society.

I agree, but do you think men should face some sort of punishment for being pigs?

No. I enjoy sleeping with multiple women and there's no law saying I can't just because two of them are my girlfriends. 

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Chuva said:
I believe this is a troll...or a 4channer...

You are in for a treat with Ps3's threads. I mean real treat. 

No, We need to embrace a society where sex is seen as a casual exchange between close-friends rather than a deep bond intrinsically associated long-term and deeply committed relationships. If people want such committment to be associated with something as insignificant as sex, then that's fine. But, I think many people, perhaps even most, enter many relationships just for sex. So why not eliminate all the boyfriend/girlfriend filler (unless that's what you want) and go straight to the point of physical intercourse? This method would be a lot less complicated, time-consuming, and would prevent people's feelings from getting hurt when one party decides to exercise his nature and have sex with a person whom he/she isn't devoted to. Now of course you could say people already have the right to follow that route, but it's still considered taboo in most cases to have sex so casually.

But of course, as I've said many times, I doubt you're being serious. So consider this more of a person rant rather than an attempt at provoking a response from yourself.

Marks said:
No, but I do think rapists/sex offenders and also the mentally handicapped should be.

Are you sarcastic?

Why punish someone for problems that they are born with?

Personally, I don't agree with any punishments against sex except for rape. However, I do see how if people would like to be immature about the whole act then this would be an appropriate course of action. Nature already makes some mentally ill people sterile to begin with, so finishing what nature starts doesn't sound off base to me.

No man or women should ever be punished for sexual acts, besides rape. Sex is a beautiful activity that should be shared between people just as sporting, gaming, camping,  or any other activity. The whole idea of sex being dirty, and evil is an old belief that should be rid by a modern intelligent society. If you love someone as a spouse you should love them for more than just sex. Denying your spouse sex with others is, a much more barbaric act than cheating. 

Unfortunately, our society (USA) is not based on loving everyone, and quality of life (mentally). It is about grabbing that one partner and robbing them of all there freedom. One owns the other and visa versa. Partners become obsessive, and begin to develop disdain for anyone they see as a threat to any aspect of there relationship. Girls can't have guy friends, guys can't have girl friends. To much time spent with members of the same sex becomes an issue, and people are dragged out of friendships.

This is not the case in all relationships, but it is well above the majority of them here. People just need to understand, that they will never be someone’s everything. There is always someone else just as suitable as you, and you can not expect your spouse to spend eternity at your feet. You are not the greatest spouse in the world, and your spouse is not the luckiest person in the world to have you. Lying to yourself about your relationship is the first step to destroying it. That is why sex is not the forefront of a relationship, and that is why there is no reason to castrate anyone for having sex with others while in a relationship.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Runa216 said:

Wow, just wow. Evangelical "if you don't follow my outdated code of ethics you need to have your balls cut off." And they say I'm the fanatic.

Look, I'm going to lay down something mindblowing for you: as adults, both men and women can fuck whomever they wish, the law has no place in the bedroom (with obvious exceptions, such as abuse and pedo stuff, but that goes without saying), and if there's an instance of infidelity, that's up to the couple to decide what happens. Not to mention this comment (lying, cheating men who break women's hearts) is so astoundingly sexist it can only come from ignorant, outdated morals.

What about me? I'm not monogamous, I have multiple partners both emotionally and physically, should I be castrated because I dare enjoy the intimate company of more than one person?


Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams



Are you sarcastic?

Why punish someone for problems that they are born with?

I once read an article that said 29 % of the mentally handicapped either exaggerate their conditions or make them up altogether. This mainly happens at the subconscious level, though a few reports suggest that some of these "self-provoked" mentally handicapped people are consciously aware that they're making their condition to be more than what it really is. This group of consciously self-provoked disabled persons make up only about 7 percent of the total self-provoked disabled persons and actually have the ability to think and behave naturally if they want. Scientist infer that these people are either just lazy or just want attention. The rest of the self-provoked disabled population aren't aware that they're making up their disorder.

Interestingly, the 93% of people that fall in the subconscious group eventually becomes genuinely mentally handicapped. This is the result of believing that they are mentally handicapped. Several scientist hypothesize that if a person really believes that they are crazy, then they will eventually become crazy. Because of this, scientist are having a difficult time distinguishing between inherent mentally handicapped people versus people that cause their own disorder. Many people argue that pretending to be mentally handicapped is a mental disorder in and of itself.