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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Last Story Thread

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Mr Khan said:
Conegamer said:
I did create a thread, but it never really took off. I guess people didn't care.

Anyway, the best parts of the game are chapters 4-5, 19-28 and 35-Endgame. 1-3 are a bit slow, but alright. I downright hated 6-18 and 29-34. I don't like the boat, alright? I like the city, don't take me away from it for half the game!

I'm going to be stuck on this boat how long? (i just got on board when i saved last night)

Well, you spend (I think) 3 chapters on the boat, then there's two optional chapters off the boat which are OK, then another one on the boat, then one on the gurak fortress, then another one on the boat, then a couple in jail, then one in the tavern, THEN you get back to the city. 

It's about 10 hours, and that's just too long.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Michael-5 said:
Conegamer said:
I did create a thread, but it never really took off. I guess people didn't care.

Anyway, the best parts of the game are chapters 4-5, 19-28 and 35-Endgame. 1-3 are a bit slow, but alright. I downright hated 6-18 and 29-34. I don't like the boat, alright? I like the city, don't take me away from it for half the game!

Now I know the game is about 35 chapters or so.....Really 4-5 are the better part of the game? I'm on Chapter 8 or something, on the boat, I'm really hoping for a twist, or just a driving force to push to toward some end goal.

Still, I do enjoy the game, but I can't sit down and play this for 3 hours at a time like I cold with XenoBlade. The game has a great battle system though.

The game is actually 43 chapters long, however, numerous are like 2 minutes long and are more just a cutscene than a chapter. And (I believe) 5 are optional 'dungeons' as it were, 2 are avaliable after the boat, one becomes avaliable after a major assault, and 2 after the game is over.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Michael-5 said:
Crono141 said:
Michael-5 said:
I just realized....Disaster: Day of Crisis was localized in Europe. WTF Reggie!! So now I have 2 fairly decent games I want to play, but amd debating import costs (and unlocking my system).

This is literally no downside to unlocking your system, by the way.  Look up a windows program called ModMii.  It'll get you going and download everything you need to get everything you want on an unlocked system.

Thanks, I used to have a Modded PS2 and my old PC plays PS1/PS2 games, but with a modded system I find myself downloading way too many games, and not playing them all. When I buy them, they at least stare me on the face, and my limited cash forces me to make sacrifices, which I need to do because I have even less time to play everything I like.

If I can find cheap copies of Disaster and Pandora's Tower on ebay, I'll buy them and play them through ModMii. I know I can just download them......heck maybe I'll give them a demo run before I import, I hear both games aren't that good.

FYI, ModMii is a windows program that downloads the jailbreaking hack and any homebrew you want for you.  You put the folder on an SD card and put it in your wii, and follow the included instructions.  As far as playing games, you'll want to look into WiiFlow or USBLoaderGX.  You'll probably also want a USB HDD.  Games are ripped to HDD directly on the Wii through previously mentioned loaders.  Check out the GBATemp wii hacking forums for more info.

Check out my Youtube Let's Play channel here.

Crono141 said:
Michael-5 said:

Thanks, I used to have a Modded PS2 and my old PC plays PS1/PS2 games, but with a modded system I find myself downloading way too many games, and not playing them all. When I buy them, they at least stare me on the face, and my limited cash forces me to make sacrifices, which I need to do because I have even less time to play everything I like.

If I can find cheap copies of Disaster and Pandora's Tower on ebay, I'll buy them and play them through ModMii. I know I can just download them......heck maybe I'll give them a demo run before I import, I hear both games aren't that good.

FYI, ModMii is a windows program that downloads the jailbreaking hack and any homebrew you want for you.  You put the folder on an SD card and put it in your wii, and follow the included instructions.  As far as playing games, you'll want to look into WiiFlow or USBLoaderGX.  You'll probably also want a USB HDD.  Games are ripped to HDD directly on the Wii through previously mentioned loaders.  Check out the GBATemp wii hacking forums for more info.

Cool, I'll consider it for these two games sometime in the future. I'm sure I could have figured it out on my own, I just never tried to find an emulator or Wii Rip.

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Got it yesterday with the artbook and soundtrack, haven't opened it yet and probably won't for a while cause I'm still playing Skyward Sword lol.
I'd like to be able to compare it with Xenoblade but my Wii couldn't read that game =(

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Michael-5 said:

Cool, I'll consider it for these two games sometime in the future. I'm sure I could have figured it out on my own, I just never tried to find an emulator or Wii Rip.


If you do mod your Wii and unlock it, you have to play Zangeki no Reginleiv.

you have to

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

Wii FC: 4810 9420 3131 7558
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mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?

Official Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

gumby_trucker said:
Michael-5 said:

Cool, I'll consider it for these two games sometime in the future. I'm sure I could have figured it out on my own, I just never tried to find an emulator or Wii Rip.


If you do mod your Wii and unlock it, you have to play Zangeki no Reginleiv.

you have to

A fellow Reginleiver, eh?

Yup, that was a nice game. I kinda understand why NoA and NoE passed on it (hideous slowdown and lol physics), but there was nothing quite so satisfying as blowing a frost giant's arms off from 500 meters away and watching his limbless torso flop to the ground.

Aside from that dickfucking giant airship, anyway, it was a fun game.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I went to buy the game on the 12th, but EB Games told me that the game was delayed. Haven't checked back to be honest.

I have received it today, complete with the soundtrack and artbook even if I ordered last week. The soundtrack came with my amazon order. Granted I have only played it for two hours so far, but I am having fun just exploring the city. The characters are really interesting so far. The city is kind of blend and much smaller than I thought unless it opens up later in the game. The graphics are ok, the music beautiful and the story seems interesting. I will play more tonight.

Proud owner and supporter of the YAKUZA games!

I just ordered this.. late to the wii party but better late than never XD