Crono141 said:
Michael-5 said:
Thanks, I used to have a Modded PS2 and my old PC plays PS1/PS2 games, but with a modded system I find myself downloading way too many games, and not playing them all. When I buy them, they at least stare me on the face, and my limited cash forces me to make sacrifices, which I need to do because I have even less time to play everything I like.
If I can find cheap copies of Disaster and Pandora's Tower on ebay, I'll buy them and play them through ModMii. I know I can just download them......heck maybe I'll give them a demo run before I import, I hear both games aren't that good.
FYI, ModMii is a windows program that downloads the jailbreaking hack and any homebrew you want for you. You put the folder on an SD card and put it in your wii, and follow the included instructions. As far as playing games, you'll want to look into WiiFlow or USBLoaderGX. You'll probably also want a USB HDD. Games are ripped to HDD directly on the Wii through previously mentioned loaders. Check out the GBATemp wii hacking forums for more info.
Cool, I'll consider it for these two games sometime in the future. I'm sure I could have figured it out on my own, I just never tried to find an emulator or Wii Rip.