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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Former Vigil dev calls Wii U a "$400 360 seven years late" - UPDATED!!


Is he right?

Yes 135 41.54%
No 190 58.46%

I don't see why we should care about some loser who lost his job, probably due to incompetence, who has some sort of bias against a platform he was not even allowed to have access to.

Where's the $400 figure coming from?

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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I don't see why we should care about some loser who lost his job, probably due to incompetence, who has some sort of bias against the platform he wasn't allowed to develop for.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

theARTIST0017 said:


Former Vigil dev sounds off on Wii U, says it’s “a $400 Xbox 360 seven years late”

August 15th, 2012 Posted in General NintendoNewsPosted by ValayWiiWii U 

Former Vigil staffer and Darksiders II developer Xander Davis was asked for his thoughts on Wii U in an interview with Not Enough Shaders.

Davis wasn’t actually involved with the port prior to his departure. However, he’s apparently heard from “people who have actually played a Wii U as recently as a month ago” that “the games pretty much suck and the tablet is pretty much a complete gimmick.” He also suggested that the console is “a $400 Xbox 360 seven years late.”

Below are Davis’ thoughts in full:

 “I’ve not worked on any Wii U version of anything (luckily). But, y’know, I very early on raised my major concern about this. Anybody buying any Wii U game that’s a port is probably buying it almost exclusively and specifically for how it can play differently through the Wii U’s alleged innovated UI. I’m already a known skeptic on whether the interface paradigm is at all anything but idiotic. But if you’re gonna do it? Fine. Then, you HAVE to do it right. You HAVE to innovate on the UI. You HAVE to enhance game mechanics and gameplay in a MATERIAL way that justifies all the hassle and a $400 Xbox 360 seven years late.

“I can’t comment on THQ / Vigil specifically. However, just in general, I doubt any studio or publisher is truly giving it the kind of proper UI design and thinking it deserves. Hell, apparently this is a huge leap for regular triple-A console releases. From what I’m hearing from people who have actually played a Wii U as recently as a month ago, the games pretty much suck and the tablet is pretty much a complete gimmick. Still tethered, not wireless. Maybe publishers can pull off something clever. But won’t it just kind of be clever for a little bit, then not really worth your $60 dollars and just annoying afterwards? Kinect comes to mind. PlayStation Move comes to mind. Mother******* Wii comes to mind. But, sure, we’ll have to wait and see… I can’t comment on specifics. I can only speculate, but as a UI Designer applying experienced critical thinking to game mechanics UI and the Wii U tablet, none of it makes sense to me to truly add value to gamers, even if you try.”

Link -



Someone's been sipping on hatorade. Honestly, the Wii U 360 comparisons don't make sense to me. Even if the console itself resembles the 360 and even if you bring up the Wii U Pro Controller, the main focus is still the Gamepad which is nothing like the 360. So it amazes me that we can have developers be this ignorant and to be honest I don't know why he hates the Wii U so bad! Is it because others told him that it sucked? Why? Your thoughts and opinions please.

You should update with info from this version. It has a response form Vigil Games.

ryuzaki57 said:
I like this guy

Of course you do.

@Pie. He got out of the industry so fast he made his own studio (Astrogun).

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ryuzaki57 said:
I like this guy

Watch it.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Jumpin said:

I don't see why we should care about some loser who lost his job, probably due to incompetence, who has some sort of bias against a platform he was not even allowed to have access to.

Where's the $400 figure coming from?

Angry hyperbole. Usually happens when angry people exaggerate a story for the sake of it; its called putting a 100 on ten.

"I got jumped by like 7 guys yesterday, that explains my scar"

In actuality it was a 7 year old girl and he tripped over her bicycle.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Honestly, guys like this do what they do for attention and you are giving him what he wants. The best thing you could do is not post this news anywhere and not mention his name. All else will just make him more popular.

Don't click links with his name, if his name comes up in conversation, ignore it. Giving him hits will give him ore add revenue.  That is how all trolls of anyform are properly handled whether it be fired game designers or analysts.

I wouldn't be surpised if the reason he got the boot was because he was trying to sabotage the Wii U version of Darksiders 2.

it might be a 360 in terms of power
but it will have Nintendo 1st party games
and thats a lot

ryuzaki57 said:
I like this guy

I'm not very surprised.

@HappyD. But, why? He obviously hates everything having to do with modern gaming?