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man-bear-pig said:

What the fuck?? You must be confusing me with someone else....I've never been accused of being a fanboy before...because I'm not. You can't just throw around baseless accusations like that without having anything to back it up. I'm not even sure what your calling me a fanboy of...Sony? Microsoft? Nintendo? I own consoles from all three...I'm baffled.

The 3DS? Right?

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Runa216 said:
man-bear-pig said:

Ugh...I don't have time for this. Stop throwing baseless accusations, that's all I'm saying. 

dude, I'm not throwing baseless accusations, it's you who's getting angry and defensive.  Come on, this is supposed to be FUN, this is supposed to be about expressing yourself and letting your inner fanboy show, not getting uppity about it.  

You're an Xbox Fanboy, I see it all the time.  Embrace it dude, have fun with it!  I've seen your sony hate, I've seen your posts about how Halo is the bestest game EVAR, I've seen your defense of a 60 dollar a year subscription.  Embrace it, enjoy it, tell us WHY you like that!  I want to know what kind of a fanboy you consider yourself!  

But then you had to go ruin it by saying you're not :P 

I'm not though!! I couldn't give a fuck if Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo crashed and burned tomorrow. I DESPISE fanboys, so I resent being called one, especially since I am not one.

'ive seen your Sony hate' - NO. YOU. HAVENT. I have never, EVER made a post which showed hatred towards Sony. I like Sony. I have owned 8 Sony consoles. This is a baseless accusation, and you shouldn't be allowed to get away with saying it.

'ive seen your posts about halo being the best game EVAR' - NO. YOU. HAVEN'T. I like halo, but I have never, EVER said it was the best game ever. 

'ive seen your defence of a 60 dollar a year subscription' - NO. YOU. HAVEN'T. 

at the moment if I had to break it down

Playstation 65%
Xbox 15%
PC 15%
Nintendo 5% (mainly for the handhelds)

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

Wow MBP...

you are almost in All-Caps-Rage Stage....

man-bear-pig said:

I'm not though!! I couldn't give a fuck if Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo crashed and burned tomorrow. I DESPISE fanboys, so I resent being called one, especially since I am not one.

'ive seen your Sony hate' - NO. YOU. HAVENT. I have never, EVER made a post which showed hatred towards Sony. I like Sony. I have owned 8 Sony consoles. This is a baseless accusation, and you shouldn't be allowed to get away with saying it.

'ive seen your posts about halo being the best game EVAR' - NO. YOU. HAVEN'T. I like halo, but I have never, EVER said it was the best game ever. 

'ive seen your defence of a 60 dollar a year subscription' - NO. YOU. HAVEN'T. 

Dude, cool your jets.  if you don't like being called a fanboy, then stop posting in this thread.  this thread is ABOUT being a fanboy and being proud of it.  That's like being John Mclane in Harlem, if you get my drift.  

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

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3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Around the Network
Runa216 said:
man-bear-pig said:

I'm not though!! I couldn't give a fuck if Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo crashed and burned tomorrow. I DESPISE fanboys, so I resent being called one, especially since I am not one.

'ive seen your Sony hate' - NO. YOU. HAVENT. I have never, EVER made a post which showed hatred towards Sony. I like Sony. I have owned 8 Sony consoles. This is a baseless accusation, and you shouldn't be allowed to get away with saying it.

'ive seen your posts about halo being the best game EVAR' - NO. YOU. HAVEN'T. I like halo, but I have never, EVER said it was the best game ever. 

'ive seen your defence of a 60 dollar a year subscription' - NO. YOU. HAVEN'T. 

Dude, cool your jets.  if you don't like being called a fanboy, then stop posting in this thread.  this thread is ABOUT being a fanboy and being proud of it.  That's like being John Mclane in Harlem, if you get my drift.  

This thread is about admitting what you are a fanboy of. I admitted I was a Game of Thrones fanboy.

This thread ISN'T about calling other people fanboys, which is what you did to me. Capiche?

I am not a fanboy... I am an Apple hater though... :(


....... ohhhkayyy.

I'm a total Pokemon Fanboy! YuGiOh? That Sucks! Digimon? That's Crap!!
Pokemon is da best!

I'm a video games fanboy. I love all video game consoles. Of course, the Wii happens to be the only actual video game home console on the market, right now. And the DS and 3DS the only handheld video game consoles. What I do dislike, though, is the companies who make these glorified DVD players that people keep talking about on sites like these. Not gonna take any names. *coughSonyMScough*
...just kidding, I suppose, :P.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx

NintendoPie said:
....... ohhhkayyy.

I'm a total Pokemon Fanboy! YuGiOh? That Sucks! Digimon? That's Crap!!
Pokemon is da best!

dude, i tooooootally agree.  nothing compares to the rush of trying to catch em all!  NOTHING! 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android