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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MICROSOFT earnings are in - 360: 1.1m shipped. Numbers inside.

kowenicki said:
theprof00 said:
kowenicki said:

very very very different reasons and circumstances......

..... so I see it has started already.

Just think of this as your opportunity to explain how buying a failing company was different than losing money that didn't exist :D

well even that isnt quite the correct description is it...

..... the "massive trolling" you refer to was more to do with the fact that it also signified the 8th straight year of huge TV losses and the 4th straight year of massive full Sony corporate losses, aligned with a collapsing share price and woeful forecasting of Kaz and crew.....  

So even if there was a lack of any difference in the reason for the write off's the result and landscape in which they occurred is so utterly massively different it isn't even on the same planet.


Yes, but see look at this. The environment in vgc is one in which users are characterized by what they post and say. When you went into that Sony thread with 4B in tax deferral writeoffs, and call Sony a basket case without acknowledging that a great proportion of the loss was technically not a loss, or at least, not as harmful to the company in the near future, you make people think that you're a troll. However, if you go into threads like those and say something like

"sony is a basket case, losing money every year. The tax is quite a shock though, and I think people need to understand that a tax deferral loss isn't an actual loss but a loss of future earnings. So it's bad, but until they make profit, that 4B doesn't mean anything"

Then it will help quell the other guys who are hyping up the loss, and people will see you as more objective, and won't come into your threads to talk about MS' writedown, or may even argue on your side.

I'm not saying you're a troll, but as I said before, LOGICALLY, if you hype up one massive loss, you're going to see it come right back at you.

So again, take my advice and cool down, otherwise this thread is going to turn into a shitfest with you arguing against everyone with your answers that have more ellipses than words.


/back to the thread

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So what's everyone's predictions here?

MS for the last 3 quarters has shipped 10M, and in 2011, they shipped 11M the whole year.
For sold, they sold 11M in 2011 and 2012 according to vgc.

So, I think EDD will likely have better profits, and smaller overhead.
I'm going to guess that EDD increased it's profits by 500M-1B

i wonder how it goes with the inflation....


kowenicki said:

So you just ignored what I said previosuly...

LOGICALLY.  If Sony had made 12bn dollars profit after the write off then nobody would bat an eye lid.... they may in passing mention it as a bit of a bummer... but nothing more.  We can tippy toe around it all we want, Sony was taking hits left and right and then it had to take another big hit... that is a very different climate to the one in which MS makes this write off.  LOGICALLY.

You simply cant look at them in isolation.

I'm not remotely excited or angry by the way... dont flatter yourself.

No I didn't ignore it. I said that you could've made the point that it wasn't a huge deal. Sure it's a deal, and it's problematic. They lost money, and then lost potential profit on top of that. That's all you needed to say. But since you amped up something that a great number of users considered to be a loss on potential profits, and not an actual immediate loss, you fan the flames. There is a difference in having 10$ and losing 7$ than having 10$ and losing 3$ with the condition that the next 10$ profit wouldn't be tax free. You made the case that it was losing 7$. So expect people to think of you as a subjective poster.

That's all I'm saying.

Great thread. Tagged for later

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theprof00 said:
kowenicki said:
theprof00 said:

I was talking about where it says operating profit from 618 -> 1324, and revenue from 6.1 ->8.9



Which is what I just answered... 

REVENUE (income/turnover - NOT profit) went up $3bn and OPERATING INCOME (profit before tax) went up $700m


Dude calm down or you're going to have a heart attack somewhere in the second page of this thread. Have a beer and chill out. I misread the parenthetical. I know that things in the parentheses mean loss, but I misread.

Go easy with the ellipses as well. That's how teenagers talk.

i'm not a teanager...


anywho, didn't mean to derail the thread...just wanted to make sure i had my facts straight.  i don't really care about any of the financial stuff...i just want the shipment numbers...

kowenicki said:
theprof00 said:
So what's everyone's predictions here?

MS for the last 3 quarters has shipped 10M, and in 2011, they shipped 11M the whole year.
For sold, they sold 11M in 2011 and 2012 according to vgc.

So, I think EDD will likely have better profits, and smaller overhead.
I'm going to guess that EDD increased it's profits by 500M-1B

Compared to the same quarter last year?

Id fully expect reduced revenue and a loss....  Revenue will be down due to slightly lower sales and lower overall price point.  Profit will be down quite a bit due to R&D ramping up for nextbox.   

I suspect the new tablets will also fall into this division, the costs associated with that venture will also be felt too, obviously there is no revenue for that yet given they haven't launched.

Whats your rationale for increases?

lowered cost of hardware on all sides, increased Live revenue, less development on kinect games (not like a rollout for launch) similar kinect sales, etc

EDIT: I didn't factor in R&D, but I can't expect it to be significantly higher than a couple hundred mil, if that.

I'll be back.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.


