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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - PlayStation All-Stars’ Developers Want Super Mario To Join Sony’s Brawler

SlumsofOhio said:
I keep hearing about how Playstation All-Stars is similar to Smash Brothers. So does Smash Bros have a combo system unique to each character? How about supers? Are there three different throws, giving you a unique setup depending on the individual throw? Are the stages constantly evolving?

Other than the game being a 2D fighter with floaty controls, is their any similarities?

Does anyone know? I haven't played the recent Smash Brothers, so I can't answer these questions.

there's smashball, 4 grabs and yes, some stages actually change and move without having a change of music each time they does.

The combo system like all fighters depend on characters brawl included.

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Tridrakious said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
JWeinCom said:
BasilZero said:
JWeinCom said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
'LMAO. I guess that just ripping off every aspect of the game isn't enough. They want the actual characters too'

hardly, Brawlers arnt owned by Nintendo or even started with them.

Brawlers weren't started by Nintendo, but Superbot has lifted the aesthetics and a good deal of the gameplay mechanics directly from Smash. 

You can say that pretty much to every single game that is coming out these days especially fighters.


Games copy elements from each other, not sure why people make a big fuss over it especially for this game.


@topic - Sounds more like a compliment, that they acknowledge Mario as a iconic figure in the gaming industry. Although there is no way they would be able to put Mario in the game, I would take it as a compliment, not as a statment or a cry to get him in the game. l0l at people who get upset cause of this.

Actually, I don't think you can say that about every game coming out today.  That's a cop out that gives developers an excuse to get lazy and quit innovating.  Check out games like Kid Icarus Uprising, or Ghost Trick and Catherine from last year.  These games were chock full of originality.  They took very sparingly from other games, while adding an incredible amount of novelty.

Look at a game like Rayman Origins.  Nobody looks at Rayman and says "OMG IT'S A MARIO CLONE".  That's because it isn't.  Rayman Origins uses its own unique art style, different game mechanics, unique level design, and tons of unique quirks and personality.

Take a look at Smash Brothers itself.  One of the reasons Smash Brothers took off, besides its powerful license, was because it was so unique.  Sure, it featured characters punching and kicking each other like any other fighter, but it featured a simplified control scheme that allowed players to easily get into the action, unique mechanics that eschewed the typical life bars, a unique aesthetic, etc.

Then we have Playstation All-Stars.  Its visual style is a clear imitation of Smash Brothers, and by all accounts its controls are very similar.  Despite the nice idea of combining two different worlds for each stage, the overall level design is very similar.  The main difference between the games thus far seems to be the method of knocking out your opponent.  The jury is out on whether this will be a positive or a negative change.

Maybe Sony Smash will be a great game, and if Sony fans enjoy it, than good for them.  However, it's a bit discouraging to see one of the biggest companies in gaming settling for a derivative title instead of working to create something innovative and unique.


Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, The Last of Us, Starhawk to name a few that started this generation on PS3. There is also Patapon, LocoRoco, Jeanne D'Arc, Echochrome to name a few for PSP.

Anyway, this game is what PlayStation fans have been wanting. A Smash Bros style game featuring the PlayStation Nation. I'm glad Sony is giving the fans what they want. And it is not 100% the same.

I'll give you Heavy Rain.  Two Souls isn't out yet, but it seems to be along those lines.  I'm happy to see the developer continuing its work, but counting both of them seems to be double dipping.  The Last of Us seems like a polished but fairly typical action game as far as I can tell.  I don't see much in the way of innovation there.   I'll give you Starhawk, mainly for the multiplayer.  As for the PSP, I'm not incredibly familar with the PSP.  I'd rather focus on the console market.

If you want a Smash style game featuring PS characters, that's great.  Glad you're happy, but wouldn't you rather see Sony do something really different that advanced the genre?  It's not 100% the same, but it's about 80% there.  Wouldn't you rather see something more ambitious?

Deoz said:
SlumsofOhio said:
I keep hearing about how Playstation All-Stars is similar to Smash Brothers. So does Smash Bros have a combo system unique to each character? How about supers? Are there three different throws, giving you a unique setup depending on the individual throw? Are the stages constantly evolving?

Other than the game being a 2D fighter with floaty controls, is their any similarities?

Does anyone know? I haven't played the recent Smash Brothers, so I can't answer these questions.

there's smashball, 4 grabs and yes, some stages actually change and move without having a change of music each time they does.

The combo system like all fighters depend on characters brawl included.

They also have super attacks. They are called Final Smash.

The smash ballis just the means to acquire them. There is also the Subspace emissary.

SlumsofOhio said:
I keep hearing about how Playstation All-Stars is similar to Smash Brothers. So does Smash Bros have a combo system unique to each character? How about supers? Are there three different throws, giving you a unique setup depending on the individual throw? Are the stages constantly evolving?

Other than the game being a 2D fighter with floaty controls, is their any similarities?

Does anyone know? I haven't played the recent Smash Brothers, so I can't answer these questions.

yes to the bolded ( 4 different throws actually ) and yes some stages do change but the stages in playstation all stars seem way more dynamic

SlumsofOhio said:
I keep hearing about how Playstation All-Stars is similar to Smash Brothers.

1.)So does Smash Bros have a combo system unique to each character?

2.)How about supers?

3.)Are there three different throws, giving you a unique setup depending on the individual throw?

4.) Are the stages constantly evolving?

Other than the game being a 2D fighter with floaty controls, is their any similarities?

Does anyone know? I haven't played the recent Smash Brothers, so I can't answer these questions.

1.) Yes, as does every fighting game I have ever played.

2.) Yes. Final smash resembles supers in many many many ways.

3.) Multiple throws per character. Actually, I believe the number is three too. (Up, Down, or sideways throws are different)

4.) Yes. There are many stages that evolve throughout the match.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

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Each time I see a Nintendo fan going full mad on the internet I think of this.

tagging for the nintendo melt downs - how much more can Sony innovate this genre ... it's a fighter... with floaty graphics... with corporate mascots... zombieZ?!

Stages that change during the match have been there since SSB64. Nearly ever stages has events in it as well that alternate variously.

o_O.Q said:

i fail to understand how you can try to lable luigi's mansion and kid icarus uprising as being ever so unique and write off infamous 2 as having little novelty or innovation... what is so differentiating about those games?

Compare what's so novelty about both of them and their ip story.

thats like me asking how many franchises out there are like flower or steel batalion

was steel batallion your first mech game to think it drive out a lot from the genre?

yeah... but somehow the 50th 2d mario is innovation

Neither the 4rth uncharted,  7sth gt, or 6th GoW going by genre alone.

edit : btw if you knew more about gaming history then you would know that wii fit, wii sports etc type games were done on the eyetoy long before the wii was released and even before that on other platforms

that you try to claim that the wii was the originator for these types of games is again imo laughable.

It was one of the first to execute them well tough.

o_O.Q said:
SlumsofOhio said:
I keep hearing about how Playstation All-Stars is similar to Smash Brothers. So does Smash Bros have a combo system unique to each character? How about supers? Are there three different throws, giving you a unique setup depending on the individual throw? Are the stages constantly evolving?

Other than the game being a 2D fighter with floaty controls, is their any similarities?

Does anyone know? I haven't played the recent Smash Brothers, so I can't answer these questions.

yes to the bolded ( 4 different throws actually ) and yes some stages do change but the stages in playstation all stars seem way more dynamic

The throws are directional right? So like if I throw a character down to the ground, can I follow with a mixup of some kind?  Are there high and low attacks? Can you block? 

I'm looking at this from a competitive view. I'm not trying to discredit the game or anything.