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Forums - PC Discussion - PC Gaming Screenshot Thread V.3.5: CGI-Quality Revamp!


Your Oblivion looks nothing special but Skyrim looks fabulous. I can't believe there's such a difference between those two games when they're basically on the same engine.

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CGI-Quality said:
trasharmdsister12 said:
Slimebeast said:

Your Oblivion looks nothing special but Skyrim looks fabulous. I can't believe there's such a difference between those two games when they're basically on the same engine.

As I said for those Oblivion shots, I have yet to go all out but I plan to impress you yet! It looks a lot better in motion than it does in the compressed vids and screenshots. The road in the vid actually looks really good texture-wise and the draw distance and amount/quality of flora is a crap ton more than the original game. I'll impress you yet!

Totally feel you here. These screen caps don't do the game justice. No matter what angle I try to take pics from, the quality always takes a notable hit.

that's why you record it and put it on youtube :P


pezus said:

Fuck. Playing Crysis Warhead on the last level and it starts crashing on me every time at the exact same moment in time. Looks like I can't finish the game...

Play it in DX9 mode, I remember having major issues with the last level in DX10 settings but they were all resolved when I set it to DX9.

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trasharmdsister12 said:

dahuman said:

that's why you record it and put it on youtube :P

I've tried... Oh how I've tried. The original vids were 1.4 GB in size each. No way I can upload that with my measly 1 Mbps upload connection and my monthly bandwidth cap. So I'm left uploading files 1/15 of the size.

I blame Canada

I've obviously been playing too much GW2

and of course random PS2 stuff

CGI-Quality said:

Call me crazy, but I think C: Warhead Vanilla looks better than Crysis 1 Vanilla:

I think that is the norm when a game of the same franchise, comes later.

crysis warhead is imo, the best crysis game too. Not as many crappy alien parts.

Very noobie question, but how do I post Steam screenshots?


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)