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Forums - General Discussion - Is homosexuality wrong?


Is homosexuality wrong?

Yes 36 32.43%
No 75 67.57%

Woah, more "yes" voters (In comparison to the total current votes) than I would've imagined on here...

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People that are saying that it's a personal choice need to understand that nobody would "CHOSE" to go through the strife, isolation and pain being gay can bring

Millenium said:
Woah, more "yes" voters (In comparison to the total current votes) than I would've imagined on here...

I actually thought there would be more yes votes than no votes tbh. 

PDF said:
Tino Vainamoinen said:

As a bisexual person I can really watch only gay/lesbian porn. I absolutely can't watch hetero porn(I don't know why). But opbiviously I have no problem with it. lol. And I OBVIOUSLY don't find it wrong or disgusting I just don't really care for watching or thinking about it.

Wow really, thats crazy.  Nothing wrong with it.  Makes sense too, just never considered that. 

You can't be mad at somone for finding something icky though, as thats just part of their sexual preference.  As long as their dislike for it doesn't affect or harm others.

I agree

Millenium said:
Woah, more "yes" voters (In comparison to the total current votes) than I would've imagined on here...

yeah it's crazy, you are straight like i am and voted with "no", right? that means with all the gay people here who voted for no, every second or even more straight voted for yes^^

if the question would be is homosexuality "normal" but "WRONG" and so many yes voters? holy shit!

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I guess this is an excellent opportunity for me to repost my old signature:


We were put on this earth to reproduce, and 2 men cannot reproduce, so does that make being gay wrong? It is detrimental to the human race, in theory anyway. In reality (nowadays) it is actually a good thing that less children will be born due to homosexual relationships.

crissindahouse said:
Millenium said:
Woah, more "yes" voters (In comparison to the total current votes) than I would've imagined on here...

yeah it's crazy, you are straight like i am and voted with "no", right? that means with all the gay people here who voted for no, every second or even more straight voted for yes^^

if the question would be is homosexuality "normal" but "WRONG" and so many yes voters? holy shit!

Millenium is bi. I voted 'no' btw

There's nothing wrong with homosexuality. It's also not a choice; sexuality is a perfectly natural and normal thing.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Tino Vainamoinen said:
But you like lesbians, you're a typical hypocrite.

Not he, you are. So what if they are lesbians? he is a stright guy, in his mind to him they are women who want him to stick dicks into them. (may I suggest short sit come louie season 2 episode 8, the elevator scene).

What with this perpetual neediness for acknowledgement and  out cry for attention, let me tell you this I and most people DONT GIVE A FUCK about gay people, you seem to got stuck in the "high school" phase, grow up, no one give shit, this what being normal means...