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Forums - General Discussion - Is homosexuality wrong?


Is homosexuality wrong?

Yes 36 32.43%
No 75 67.57%
BluGamer23 said:
Tino Vainamoinen said:
BluGamer23 said:
is Pedophilia wrong?..

yes? well there you go hope that answers those of you who says homosexuals is not wrong.. hypocrites!


I think I found the biggest idiot on the internet. Fun fact: Not all homosexuals are pedophiles, in fact I bet like... less than half are. And you're kinda saying that ONLY homosexuals can be pedophiles. Uhh, there are straight pedos out there, just saying.
That comparison makes me sick to my stomach. 

Can I just assume you're probably one of those dick heads who like lesbians because "they're hot" and hates gay men because they're men.


wow and i found the biggest cumb dunt on the internet who has comprehension problems... where did i say homosexuals are pedos?.. n

I'm just gonna leave this here, feel free everyone to laugh at this moron.

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Tino Vainamoinen said:


Not all homosexuals are pedophiles, in fact I bet like... less than half are. 


I agree that it isn't a chioce and is just something people are born with, but I find the idea of having sex with a man kinda disgusting (just my preference), but I have no problem with other people doing it.

well i am gay... do I have to vote?


I'm gay. You all know that in all of your circles of friends/family there are gay or bi people whether you realize it or not. 1 in 10 is Gay or Bi. Maybe even you. Love between consenting adults can not be wrong, but hate always is!

BluGamer23 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

Well this is easy... There is a big difference between 2 consenting adults having sex and child molestation/rape. 

so you assume its always child molestation/rape even if the child is concenting to it?

you said homosexual is a medical condition and is normal.. 

so to must be pedophilia: As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia, or paedophilia, is defined as a psychiatric disorder in persons who are 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children

I did say it was normal, but where did I say it was a medical condition?

There isn't anything wrong with being attracted to children, you can't help it, what IS wrong is ACTING on your pedophilia because most children aren't emotionally or/and physically mature enough to have sex, and even if the child IS mature enough in all ways there is no real way of knowing beforehand, so it is still wrong. Massive difference between this and 2 consenting adults of the same sex having sex.

I'm not being hypocritical in the slightest, and your argument is pretty pathetic. In short, comparing pedophillia to homosexuality is ridiculous, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why. Read my original reply to you a little closer.

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It's someone else's life.. If you don't agree with it, don't choose that path. Who cares is someone else isn't accepted by God, so to speak, unless you secretly do care for them. But, that's a whole load of crap, because almost no one knows what really happens after death..

I can't say anything about it, but, all I'm going to say is live as stress free as you can, and make sure you're happy before you die. Whatever it is. Dying unhappy isn't the way to go.

man-bear-pig said:
Tino Vainamoinen said:


Not all homosexuals are pedophiles, in fact I bet like... less than half are. 


I agree that it isn't a chioce and is just something people are born with, but I find the idea of having sex with a man kinda disgusting (just my preference), but I have no problem with other people doing it.

As a bisexual person I can really watch only gay/lesbian porn. I absolutely can't watch hetero porn(I don't know why). But opbiviously I have no problem with it. lol. And I OBVIOUSLY don't find it wrong or disgusting I just don't really care for watching or thinking about it.

Andrespetmonkey said:
No, it's not wrong. It's just a part of biology, it's natural and normal. Hundreds of other species have homosexual members, it's very common. Just like your ethnicity, your sexual orientation isn't something you can choose, it's something you just are.

Animal behaviour is hardly a good argument, there's a lot of things animals do, what people don't. The only thing that doesn't make it absolutely wrong in social mind is the fact it's theoretically tolerable, unlike, say, pedophilia, regardless of how often it gets practiced by animals, or physiological or mental reasons that lead to homosexuality or pedophilia. Even if said reasons are the same for both it won't make both (homosexuality and pedophilia) equal in eyes of the socium, and that's not a problem of a socium, since good and healthy socium protects itself from unsocial behaviour. And btw it's not normal even in strictly biological sense, it's a deviation, usually situational (you know, like people in jail who often practice homosexual intercourse, but do not consider themselve gay). Though there's not much reason for most of people even for situational homosexuality, since unlike a lot of species we do not practice polygamy in general (no exesive sexually dissatisfied male groups) and male:female distrubution is almost 1:1 (females prevail by tiny bit at the puberty age).


Anyways the issue of a homosexuality, ain't no issue of your who you are, as it oftern propaganded, or, god forbid, your personal choice. It's a political issue.



mai said:

The argument made there is solely to counter the "homosexuality is unnatural" arugument. If it is harmful to the species, then let natural selection deal with it.

I will never understand the idiotic people saying that you choose to be gay. You either have feelings for one or both of the sexes and that's it. You can't choose what sex to have feelings for since your feelings obviously is out of your control.

It does make sense though that lots of the anti-homosexuals are actually slightly or fully homosexual themselves. They try to choose their preferences against their own feelings, resulting in people who are proud of themselves suffering.

For this reason, I support pride.