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Forums - Politics Discussion - Why was GW Bush (Jr Bush) better than Obama?

They're both suckers...

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obama is better.
as simple as that

spurgeonryan said:
If I am thinking of the same prescription pill plan as you, then that plan is total garbage that could only b beneficial to bums. So The Bush can scrap that up to a loss as well. We have not really seen what obamacare can do yet, so we do not really know if it will be really had or really good.

Was the oiled spill really that bad? It probably created more jobs than it took away, where is the oil, beaches are not Exxon/Valdez like, BP gave a ton of money, world wide charities did as well. Compared to Katrina, no ones homes were washed away or destroyed. Maybe It was a message from God that he approved of Obama over The Bush who killed more Americans than the terrorist in the 9/11 attack. Because of greed!

Before I go on. How much of the huge stimulous plan has been payed back so far? Including interest, stock options for the government, etc.

Gays seem to have received equal rights in marriage under Obama!

Spending is being reduced under Obama. Thank God! As for The Bush's tax refund.....who gives a crap about an extra few hundred bucks? It wasted more government funding and gave Americans a few extra bucks to spend on gas that tripled during the tyrant Bush's reign as supreme war lord of the world.

I will give it to obama, who at least did not seem like he was asleep during his presidency. Sorry, The Bush was awake and acting like a puppet whenever there was a chance to destroy something. Maybe he was actually smart, but it is hard to have your own thought and get wordeds correct when you are verbally copying what your daddy and other power hungry elite are telling you to say via an ear piece in every speech.

Who cares about Clinton! Bush Jr. Should have been impeached and tried for aiding the enemy, fraud, murderer, genocide, being a worthless piece of pond scum.

Joe the Plumber would have been a better president than The Bush was.

To use the internet meme "Not sure if serious.:

Considering at least half of what your wrote... isn't true.

spurgeonryan said:
No I extremely over exaggerated and was sarcastic. But that just shows that I think Bush was twice as bad as Obama. I am sure Hilary or Mccain would have done a better job as well.

I think Hilary would of did the best job out of the four.

I mean, i get overstimating Bush's mistakes if you don't like him, but i don't get the exaggerating of what Obama did to the positive, that makes it sound like you like Bush and are sarcastically mocking obama supporters.

Kasz216 said:
Rath said:
Kasz216 said:
Rath said:
Kasz216 said:
chocoloco said:

G.W. is the best President at being a war monger. I can hardly think of one thing he did I liked. I payed attention to politics more during that time because every thing he did I disagreed with and his veiws on thinking god worked through him sickend me. Romney seems almost as scary.

Nah.  As Govonor Romney was more liberal then Obama is as president.

Yes but unless he rapidly backpedals on the positions he took in the Republican "race to be the most insane rightwing fundamentalist nutbug" primary, he'll be a far more conservative president.

Remember Rath, this is American politics.

Look at all the rapid backpedalling Obama did from his caopaign promises.


I mean, Bush wasn't better then Obama, but reverse their presidencies and I think you'd find not much changed.

Obama hasn't actually backpedaled as much as you make out - a lot of the promises he broke were not out of backpedaling but simply because congress didn't want to pass it. For Romney to become more liberal than Obama would require massive massive shifts.

In the general line of the Bush/Obama presidency (and especially on handling the economic disaster) - they're pretty similar. However in terms of the defining events of their presidencies they're quite different. 

Iraq was a bit more disasterous than Libya for example, and Obama hasn't handled a domestic disaster as badly as Bush cocked up Katrina. In the end those will be some of the major things Bush will be remembered for.

That's not true at all... Obama did most of his backpedalling in the first two years of his presidency when he had a democratic majority.  Ever since the Republican party took over congress he's moved back towards the "left" as he knew none of those policies would pass.   If you look at legislative history you'll note that a few hot button issues are only pushed when they know they won't pass.

Gay rights is one of those.

The healthcare law I'd bet would be another.  If the Republicans actually thought they could pass a repeal of healthcare, I doubt they would, because it's too much of a political risk.


As for their handling of things... Iraq was more disasterous then Libya, but those were two very different wars.  There wasn't a strong unified arm resistance to support in Iraq.


While Bush's handling of Katrina... Obama's handling of the BP oil spill wasn't exactly great either.  Although really neither of those are either of their faults.

In general the problem is that FEMA is a giant mess of an orginzation that ends up getting in local groups way in it's need to overly control everything.

Well that and stupid enviromental laws prevented quicker cleanup of the BP oil because it  banned the use of most cleaning boats because the cleaning boats would be counted as "polluting" the water by putting in water because the water that would run through it's ships wouldn't be "clean enough".  (You know, despite the fact that it'd be cleaner.)

Right, and that i suppose is the brilliance of the ACA, because people like the "no denial based on pre-existing conditions" thing, even if they dislike other points, but the mandate is required to make that work without having a single-payer overhaul. So if the Republicans advance on the mandate, it will be easy to cast them as going back to a system that would deny millions with pre-existing conditions healthcare, which they can't get caught doing.

Essentially, the only way forward from this is to move closer to single-payer.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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spurgeonryan said:
Was the oiled spill really that bad? It probably created more jobs than it took away, where is the oil, beaches are not Exxon/Valdez like, BP gave a ton of money, world wide charities did as well. Compared to Katrina, no ones homes were washed away or destroyed. Maybe It was a message from God that he approved of Obama over The Bush who killed more Americans than the terrorist in the 9/11 attack. Because of greed!

Joe the Plumber would have been a better president than The Bush was.

Oh my. I don't think people actually believe this, right?

I can tell one thing, you don't live in and around the Gulf and you certainly don't live in Louisiana.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

SecondWar said:
richardhutnik said:

* Invasions of countries: GW Bush invaded two, and both of which had occupations for years, one of which goes down under the ranks of Vietnam.  Obama was involved with the invasion of Libya, which ended fairly quickly and U.S isn't in there.

Last time I checked there was no 'invsion of Libya'. The US participated in enforcing a no-fly zone that was authorised by the UN Security Council. At no point did they actually invade the country.

Both Iraq and Libya involved regime change.  In this regard, Libya turned out much better than the Iraqi War.

Regardless of Bush's policies, political philosophy, and so forth which I disagree with a great portion of. I believe that he should have been impeached based of the violations and abuse of executive power he imposed on our government. I am still waiting for the supreme court case against Bush over the write ins he did during his presidency. Similar to when Bill Clinton was taken to the Supreme Court over line item vetos, George W. Bush wrote in sentences onto bills before signing them into law. It doesn't take an imagination that this process is equivalent to creating law and can be used to nullify laws as well. Our executive branch creating law. This is far worse than a line item veto and still has to be address by our judiciary. The specific law that Bush wrote in on that will probably be the one to bring this to court, unless something else has arrived over the years, is the bill that banned the use of torture by the United States where Bush wrote in a line that said "except in the interest of national defense" effectively reversing the legislative branch's power. Mixed with the patriot act there is no potential safety against being tortured by the United States government.

Bush should have been impeached and removed from office along with the unconstitutional decree of write ins. Bush wasn't the first president to do write ins, if I remember correctly the total number of write ins before bush were 40-60 about, Bush has to the last of my knowledge wrote in over 300 times.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Zappykins said:

You are comparing things that can't be compared (like Katrina and BP Oil?), but I'm not convinced you are not trolling. One could easily point out declaring an unnecessary war by accusing a country of hiding 'weapons of mass destruction' that were sold by his Daddy's administration, by the vary same guy who was serving as the Secretary of Deference (Donald Rumsfeld) and used against our then enemy in their own war (with Iran.)

Just lost at the cost of the war, first in human lives, then add economic cost (which was kept out of the Federal Budget to make his numbers look better), then throw in the damage to Iraq, human rights violations, etc.

Or, one could hate him for blocking medical research with the stem cell ban? My friend with diabetes (type 1) would love a new pancreas they are growing with stem cells overseas. He may not get completely off insulin, but he would have less of a chance of going blind.

Still, he was such a bad president (including Cheney) that I think you must be trolling, at least a little bit.

I was trying to end up comparing the two, trying to see if there is ANY case that can be made by anyone that GW Bush was better than Obama in any way, and can argue that Obama has been worse of a president.  I tried to compare apples to apples, as much as possible.  I addressed issues that might be brought up.  So, the idea was overall, and individual areas.  Apparently the only are really anyone can debate would be over the deficit, and that is debated because there debate centers on the 2009's budget and who is responsible for it.  If you put it under GW Bush, then Obama hasn't run up the deficit more than Bush.  If you place it under Obama, then Obama has created a larger debt.

Go back, and you will see threads on here, and people have actually said Obama is THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER.

spurgeonryan said:
^ Compared to Iraq, how many Americans died in Libya?

Using rounded, American deaths in Libya is around zero.  It also finished up fast also, and was more like Kosvo.