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spurgeonryan said:
If I am thinking of the same prescription pill plan as you, then that plan is total garbage that could only b beneficial to bums. So The Bush can scrap that up to a loss as well. We have not really seen what obamacare can do yet, so we do not really know if it will be really had or really good.

Was the oiled spill really that bad? It probably created more jobs than it took away, where is the oil, beaches are not Exxon/Valdez like, BP gave a ton of money, world wide charities did as well. Compared to Katrina, no ones homes were washed away or destroyed. Maybe It was a message from God that he approved of Obama over The Bush who killed more Americans than the terrorist in the 9/11 attack. Because of greed!

Before I go on. How much of the huge stimulous plan has been payed back so far? Including interest, stock options for the government, etc.

Gays seem to have received equal rights in marriage under Obama!

Spending is being reduced under Obama. Thank God! As for The Bush's tax refund.....who gives a crap about an extra few hundred bucks? It wasted more government funding and gave Americans a few extra bucks to spend on gas that tripled during the tyrant Bush's reign as supreme war lord of the world.

I will give it to obama, who at least did not seem like he was asleep during his presidency. Sorry, The Bush was awake and acting like a puppet whenever there was a chance to destroy something. Maybe he was actually smart, but it is hard to have your own thought and get wordeds correct when you are verbally copying what your daddy and other power hungry elite are telling you to say via an ear piece in every speech.

Who cares about Clinton! Bush Jr. Should have been impeached and tried for aiding the enemy, fraud, murderer, genocide, being a worthless piece of pond scum.

Joe the Plumber would have been a better president than The Bush was.

To use the internet meme "Not sure if serious.:

Considering at least half of what your wrote... isn't true.