VicViper said:
Haha, I wonder why it did that.
VicViper said:
Haha, I wonder why it did that.
VicViper said:
Sorry, Pig, she's cuter
Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww |
And wow! That Gif came quickly.
They also did quite good work with those graphics! Pretty nice.
NintendoPie said:
And what would those games be? (Trust me, I feel your pain, Outlaw. >_<) |
Senran Kagura, Project X Zone, Guild01, Code of Princess (which we are actually getting), and Theatrythm (which we get very soon! I have it pre-ordered).
The games I have were purchased because I had the system and not the otherway around.
outlawauron said: Senran Kagura, Project X Zone, Guild01, Code of Princess (which we are actually getting), and Theatrythm (which we get very soon! I have it pre-ordered). The games I have were purchased because I had the system and not the otherway around. |
We may get Profect X Zone as it seems to be a very big game! It could do potentially OK over here. It'll do well in Japan, for sure.
What is Senran Kagura?
NintendoPie said:
We may get Profect X Zone as it seems to be a very big game! It could do potentially OK over here. It'll do well in Japan, for sure. What is Senran Kagura? |
Project X Zone won't see the light of day here. Don't get your hopes up. It'll be just like Namco x Capcom.
Senran Kagura is a side scrolling RPG action game that only gets news or notice because the characters have breasts. It's a shame really that a good game only gets laughed at because of our mostly awful gaming journalism.
outlawauron said:
Project X Zone won't see the light of day here. Don't get your hopes up. It'll be just like Namco x Capcom. Senran Kagura is a side scrolling RPG action game that only gets news or notice because the characters have breasts. It's a shame really that a good game only gets laughed at because of our mostly awful gaming journalism. |
Oh! I think I've heard of that game then. (Mostly because of the breasts... sorry... heh... )
What was Namco X Capcom? Another Fighter/Beat-Em-Up? Well, In my opinion I think it has quite a chance. Some of the characters are quite popular in the West and it has gotten quite a lot of Media.
NintendoPie said:
Oh! I think I've heard of that game then. (Mostly because of the breasts... sorry... heh... What was Namco X Capcom? Another Fighter/Beat-Em-Up? Well, In my opinion I think it has quite a chance. Some of the characters are quite popular in the West and it has gotten quite a lot of Media. |
Namco x capcom is pretty much the exact same thing as Project X Zone but with less characters. It was for the DS and praised all around. It never made it to the US despite fans clamoring for back in the early generation (2006).
outlawauron said: Namco x capcom is pretty much the exact same thing as Project X Zone but with less characters. It was for the DS and praised all around. It never made it to the US despite fans clamoring for back in the early generation (2006). |
Oh... well that doesn't bode to well for Project X Zone then!
Hopefully we are both surprised and it makes it's way over here!
From what I've heard, Senran Kagura is actually a pretty good game. The only reason it's getting hate is because it's a 3DS exclusive and it has breasts and minimium amount of butt fights... no I'm not joking... flying around everywhere. It's a very perverted game. First game actually sold pretty well for what it is, around 15k I think.
Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin):
As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):
Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3 At the bottom, there's a copyright for Capcom U.S.A. Maybe, just maybe, it will be localized.