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outlawauron said:
NintendoPie said:
outlawauron said:

Senran Kagura, Project X Zone, Guild01, Code of Princess (which we are actually getting), and Theatrythm (which we get very soon! I have it pre-ordered).

The games I have were purchased because I had the system and not the otherway around.

We may get Profect X Zone as it seems to be a very big game! It could do potentially OK over here. It'll do well in Japan, for sure.

What is Senran Kagura?

Project X Zone won't see the light of day here. Don't get your hopes up. It'll be just like Namco x Capcom.

Senran Kagura is a side scrolling RPG action game that only gets news or notice because the characters have breasts. It's a shame really that a good game only gets laughed at because of our mostly awful gaming journalism.

Oh! I think I've heard of that game then. (Mostly because of the breasts... sorry... heh... )

What was Namco X Capcom? Another Fighter/Beat-Em-Up? Well, In my opinion I think it has quite a chance. Some of the characters are quite popular in the West and it has gotten quite a lot of Media.