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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony PS3 Are You Impressed Yet?

DieAppleDie said:

We were talking about Sony supporting their console
third partys are not Sony

crappy games dont count, Nintendo clones are laughable, other than that their support is minimal
True efforts are made by second partys, Sony as a first party dev are the weakest out of the three

Moderated - Kantor.

As far as Sony as a first party developer being the weakest of the three "Uncharted II" won 2009's Game of the Year and "Uncharted III" was a top contender for game of the year in 2011, and Naughty Dog's "The Last of Us" is the most heralded game coming out of this year's E3.  When have Nintendo or Microsoft had a first party game of that received any of the accolades of any of the Uncharted games or of The Last of Us?  On top of that they also have "God of War" which is far better than or equal to any first party title from either Microsoft or Nintendo.

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I've had my PS3 a year now, and I'm very impressed by it.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

DieAppleDie said:
the PS3 is like a cool guy who arrives to late to the party...

He was there on time, he was just a bit of a douchebag until he had a few drinks.

No. Sony PS3 will always be the douche bag.

endimion said:
to me the winner of a gen is the console with the largest attach rate/most game sold total.... because that is what matters the most for most area of that business.... for the constructor, devs, retailers and well if customer buy more games per unit than the competition.... then it must me they find it quite more appealing in general....

Total Software: Wii/X360/PS3 - 792.01/641.83/553.14

Attach rate: X360/PS3/Wii - 9.58/8.53/8.23

UnitSmiley said:

Far too many are just looking at sales. Yes sales are important for the company but the wii made most of it's cash off of casuals. Not that i'm even saying that's a bad thing.  But you have to look at what each Console offers the core gamer. Sony is by far doing the best job.

I don't understand this statement. why does cash off casuals don't count?

EdHieron said:

As far as Sony as a first party developer being the weakest of the three "Uncharted II" won 2009's Game of the Year and "Uncharted III" was a top contender for game of the year in 2011, and Naughty Dog's "The Last of Us" is the most heralded game coming out of this year's E3.  When have Nintendo or Microsoft had a first party game of that received any of the accolades of any of the Uncharted games or of The Last of Us?  On top of that they also have "God of War" which is far better than or equal to any first party title from either Microsoft or Nintendo.

SMG 1 and 2 are the best reviewed games this gen. Better than Uncharted 2 and 3.

God of War game is not even the best reviewed GOW games this gen.

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

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saicho said:
endimion said:
to me the winner of a gen is the console with the largest attach rate/most game sold total.... because that is what matters the most for most area of that business.... for the constructor, devs, retailers and well if customer buy more games per unit than the competition.... then it must me they find it quite more appealing in general....

Total Software: Wii/X360/PS3 - 792.01/641.83/553.14

Attach rate: X360/PS3/Wii - 9.58/8.53/8.23

UnitSmiley said:

Far too many are just looking at sales. Yes sales are important for the company but the wii made most of it's cash off of casuals. Not that i'm even saying that's a bad thing.  But you have to look at what each Console offers the core gamer. Sony is by far doing the best job.

I don't understand this statement. why does cash off casuals don't count?

EdHieron said:

As far as Sony as a first party developer being the weakest of the three "Uncharted II" won 2009's Game of the Year and "Uncharted III" was a top contender for game of the year in 2011, and Naughty Dog's "The Last of Us" is the most heralded game coming out of this year's E3.  When have Nintendo or Microsoft had a first party game of that received any of the accolades of any of the Uncharted games or of The Last of Us?  On top of that they also have "God of War" which is far better than or equal to any first party title from either Microsoft or Nintendo.

SMG 1 and 2 are the best reviewed games this gen. Better than Uncharted 2 and 3.

God of War game is not even the best reviewed GOW games this gen.

Well, you know some times reviewers make mistakes case in point GTA IV and sometimes when there's not much competition on a machine reviewers tend to lose a bit of perspective ie, giving Zelda:  Ocarina of Time a 10 when it wasn't any better than Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy VII, giving Metroid Prime on Gamecube the highest review score of its gen when it wasn't equal to Halo I or II, the GTAs or a plethora of other games on PS2 or as is most likely the case with SMG and SMG II ie. receiving the benefit of scores that were a couple of points too high just because there was a serious dearth of anything else on Wii.  Neither of the Super Marios came anywhere near winning as many Game of the Year Awards as did Uncharted II and III.

If you want to take into account the number of games with aggregate review scores of 75 or above on Playstation 3 versus the number of games with aggregate review scores of 75 and above on Wii, the PS3 and the 360 have over 300 games with aggregate review scores of 75 and above and the Wii only has 150 games with cumulative review scores of 75.

If you want to look at the just the very best games of the gen, Sony has 40 games with aggregate review scores of 90 or above and they made 12 of those.  Wii only has 14 games with aggregate review scores of 90 or above and Nintendo made 7 of those, and the 360 has 45 games with aggregate review scores of 90 and above and Microsoft made 11 of those.

I enjoy how the PS3 has stayed true to gamers.

After 5 years of ownership of the PS3 60GB Launch Console. I'm impressed the machine is still going strong. (I did have to change the thermal compound twice).

I'm not impressed on Sony's false marketing. It doesn't do everything, and Sony Co. wont let me legally customize it to what I would to use it for. I seriously believe the technology exists in the machine, but they haven't squeezed every bit of it. (I'm not referring to games)

I like the Sony brand because I like Japanese RPGs. This is where my bias lies for the PlayStation versus the Xbox. I'm not dissing Western and European developers; they are great too, but it was the JRPG's that got me into gaming, and it is the primary reason I'm a console gamer.

As an owner of two PS3s, The Move, and a PSP. I like to say that I'm not impressed with Sony. I am impressed with the durability of my machine (I know. Experiences my vary), but not on its very limited Sony controlled software options and functions. Unlike most of you, I think the PS3 can do more than just gaming, and it should; It's the future. Sony had it right in the beginning, It just wont follow through and let the end user completely customize the use of his or her machine.

saicho said:
endimion said:
to me the winner of a gen is the console with the largest attach rate/most game sold total.... because that is what matters the most for most area of that business.... for the constructor, devs, retailers and well if customer buy more games per unit than the competition.... then it must me they find it quite more appealing in general....

Total Software: Wii/X360/PS3 - 792.01/641.83/553.14

Attach rate: X360/PS3/Wii - 9.58/8.53/8.23

UnitSmiley said:

Far too many are just looking at sales. Yes sales are important for the company but the wii made most of it's cash off of casuals. Not that i'm even saying that's a bad thing.  But you have to look at what each Console offers the core gamer. Sony is by far doing the best job.

I don't understand this statement. why does cash off casuals don't count?

Because the demographic the Wii targeted is completely different from the demographic the PS3 and 360 were targeting (before move and kinect anyway)

I have nothing against the Wii, it's a fun console with a few games I really enjoy. So i'm not saying it doesn't count, but rather i'm saying in terms of it competing with PS3 and 360, it's almost not even in the same competition (core gamers)

My point was that in my honest opinion, to decide which console is "best" you have to look at more than sales. The biggest thing I look at personally (and I realize others may disagree with me) is what the console offers the core gamer. Most of us here are just that. Core gamers. So I can't understand when anyone here says "This console won the console war because it sold more blah blah blah" because sure, it sold more, but not even to the type of person you are. It made most of it's money off of casuals. Sales are important to the company for sure, but to us (the core gamers) sales should be the last thing we look at. Instead we should focus on which console can offer gaming enthusiasts such as ourselves the most.

And to restate, that is why I am impressed with Sony.

I don't think PS3 sales will surpass 360 sales by the time the successor consoles roll in, and definatly not before Wii U if it even passes 360 at all, but anyway....


I'm not impressed with PS3, and before anyone flips out, here is why. Compare PS3's exclusive lineup with PS1' and PS2's... It's a joke. Nevermind all the HD multiplatform games, what happened to all the niche titles and JRPG's? IMO 360 has better shooters and Nintendo has better action games. I've always loved my PS1 and PS2 for the JRPG's and in general hardcore games. InFamous is one of the few niche exclusive franchises that I think warrents a purchase of a PS3.

So while I think PS3 is a great console, and I am happywith it, it could have been so much better.

Exclusives like Tales of Xillia should be localized more quickly, and games like Lair and White Knight Chronicles could have been really cool if they had taken more time to develop. Because of all these missed opportunities, I think PS3 is okay at best. No better then the 360, and that's not saying much...

As it stands now, for me there are only 5 reasosn to own a PS3. InFamous, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted, Gran Turismo and The Last of Us. I could live without Killzone and Resistance fine, and I'm not a fan of God of War or Demon Soul's.

5 franchises compared to 20 plus for PS1 and PS2 each is a joke. IMO the Wii has a better exclusive library in JRPG's alone.

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