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After 5 years of ownership of the PS3 60GB Launch Console. I'm impressed the machine is still going strong. (I did have to change the thermal compound twice).

I'm not impressed on Sony's false marketing. It doesn't do everything, and Sony Co. wont let me legally customize it to what I would to use it for. I seriously believe the technology exists in the machine, but they haven't squeezed every bit of it. (I'm not referring to games)

I like the Sony brand because I like Japanese RPGs. This is where my bias lies for the PlayStation versus the Xbox. I'm not dissing Western and European developers; they are great too, but it was the JRPG's that got me into gaming, and it is the primary reason I'm a console gamer.

As an owner of two PS3s, The Move, and a PSP. I like to say that I'm not impressed with Sony. I am impressed with the durability of my machine (I know. Experiences my vary), but not on its very limited Sony controlled software options and functions. Unlike most of you, I think the PS3 can do more than just gaming, and it should; It's the future. Sony had it right in the beginning, It just wont follow through and let the end user completely customize the use of his or her machine.