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saicho said:
endimion said:
to me the winner of a gen is the console with the largest attach rate/most game sold total.... because that is what matters the most for most area of that business.... for the constructor, devs, retailers and well if customer buy more games per unit than the competition.... then it must me they find it quite more appealing in general....

Total Software: Wii/X360/PS3 - 792.01/641.83/553.14

Attach rate: X360/PS3/Wii - 9.58/8.53/8.23

UnitSmiley said:

Far too many are just looking at sales. Yes sales are important for the company but the wii made most of it's cash off of casuals. Not that i'm even saying that's a bad thing.  But you have to look at what each Console offers the core gamer. Sony is by far doing the best job.

I don't understand this statement. why does cash off casuals don't count?

Because the demographic the Wii targeted is completely different from the demographic the PS3 and 360 were targeting (before move and kinect anyway)

I have nothing against the Wii, it's a fun console with a few games I really enjoy. So i'm not saying it doesn't count, but rather i'm saying in terms of it competing with PS3 and 360, it's almost not even in the same competition (core gamers)

My point was that in my honest opinion, to decide which console is "best" you have to look at more than sales. The biggest thing I look at personally (and I realize others may disagree with me) is what the console offers the core gamer. Most of us here are just that. Core gamers. So I can't understand when anyone here says "This console won the console war because it sold more blah blah blah" because sure, it sold more, but not even to the type of person you are. It made most of it's money off of casuals. Sales are important to the company for sure, but to us (the core gamers) sales should be the last thing we look at. Instead we should focus on which console can offer gaming enthusiasts such as ourselves the most.

And to restate, that is why I am impressed with Sony.