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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Riccitiello: Mass Effect 3 “single best piece of software” for Wii U

Mahorosan said:
Acevil said:
Eh, don't think I care about this franchise anymore (It use to be my favorite new IP). I have broken free from you Bioware....thank you very much.

Agree here, ME3 killed the franchise for me.  I was also thinking why bother bringing part 3 of a series over to the WiiU when the first 2 aren't there but then again since its well established that players previous decisions had little to no affect on the final outcome of the game, I guess its ok.  A person who starts ME3 as their first Mass Effect title will still get the same ENDING (yes I do mean singular) as a person who played from 1 through 3 =P

I dunno, it'll be a little tougher to get the Lime Green flavor (Bioware's favorite!) without buying the DLC/playing the multiplayer now.

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Darc Requiem said:

No PS3 owners got a raw deal because the got POS comic that didn't get basic facts straight. I mean they spelled Kaidan's name wrong, had no mention of the geth, omitted any mention of Feros, etc. etc. That comic as bad joke. It was the biggest epic fail in series until ME3's ending.

Well, they should have been smart enough to play the first game, of course. But you could at least make the major choices and hit the ground running in ME2, missing only a few minor things like Conrad Werner. Wii U owners will probably get stuck with whatever crummy default choices you get if you don't have a Mass Effect 1 or 2 save file.

badgenome said:
Darc Requiem said:

No PS3 owners got a raw deal because the got POS comic that didn't get basic facts straight. I mean they spelled Kaidan's name wrong, had no mention of the geth, omitted any mention of Feros, etc. etc. That comic as bad joke. It was the biggest epic fail in series until ME3's ending.

Well, they should have been smart enough to play the first game, of course. But you could at least make the major choices and hit the ground running in ME2, missing only a few minor things like Conrad Werner. Wii U owners will probably get stuck with whatever crummy default choices you get if you don't have a Mass Effect 1 or 2 save file.

Some of us didnt have the means to play the first one. Lets get off our high horse for a sec.

oniyide said:

Some of us didnt have the means to play the first one. Lets get off our high horse for a sec.

K, but only for a second.

RolStoppable said:
oniyide said:
i wonder why not just give it ME2 as well?? Im not getting it. I doubt anyone has a strangle hold on that one

Mass Effect 3 is a test game.

And we can plumb how serious of a "test" it is based on whether or not they incorporate some mechanism for the massive continuity hole that will come from the prior two games not being there.

Moot point in my case. I would buy a three-in-one for the series if it A: cost normal price for a retail Wii U game and B: contained a written letter of apology for subjecting Nintendo fans to Sonic Chronicles

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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They are putting the worst game in the series on the Wii U and calling it the best on the console? A straight port of garbage? I hope no one buys this.

The only way Mass Effect 3 on Wii U would be the "single best piece of software" on Wii U is if it contained remastered versions of ME1, ME2, and a complete version of ME3. Why do I say complete? ME3 was clearly rushed out to the door and riddled with issues.

Despite what people say the first 95% of ME3 isn't awesome. It's good but obviously rushed. There is too much auto dialog, reduced dialog choices (most conversations have only Paragon or Renegade options, the Neutral option is nearly completely MIA), speaking of MIA that describes most of the ME2 cast, pre-release Bioware promised that some characters would be temporary squadmates, some full, and some cameos. None of the ME2 cast mates are squad mates and they all are cameos with only 2 being well fleshed out and integral to the story. The only temporary squadmate in ME3 is Anderson. Then you bulk of the sidequests consisting of Shepard eavesdropping and scanning a random planets. The combat was the best in the series, but that was the only thing in the ME3 that seemed to truly polished.

Pikmin 3, Batman, Rayman Legends, ZombiU even ACIII has to say more on this console then this game.

Spiders den are not for men.

My gaming channel: Stefano and the Spiders.

Maynard_Tool said:
What? Pikmin 3, ACIII, Mario, Batman, ZombieU... they all look better



OT: The game looks ok, but we dont have any information as of what "new" things will include, because it will include new things like batman... right?


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

Eh, I really tried to give Mass Effect a chance, I thought the story seemed very intriging and I appreciated the open world aspect, but I just couldn't get over the weird complex controls and the endless dialouge. Though I heard 2 and 3 were improvements. Maybe I should give the sequels a chance. From what I've played though, Dragon Age on PC is far superior.