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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Riccitiello: Mass Effect 3 “single best piece of software” for Wii U

Wouldn't you rather have it but not need it, than need it and not have it?

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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So, EA thinks the EA game is the best?

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Ha, no. What made Mass Effect good was the way you could transfer your save files across. As Mass Effect 1 and 2 are not on the Wii U that feature is not existent on the system. Besides, anyone who wants the game will likely already have it; look at the PS3 sales of Mass Effect 2 compared to the Xbox 360

Sales will be average at best. And for the record Mr Riccitiello, Batman: Arkham City is the best piece of software announced for the Wii U so far.

Now if Nintendo somehow managed to wrangle/buy the rights to get all three games put in a single collection

That might be something else

Guess he didn't finish the game... beacuse that ending ruined all three games for me

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

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It just seems like a test that we're meant to fail.

Hey, Nintendo have a new system out, let's throw them the third part of a story heavy trilogy when they didn't get the first two parts. Genius.


Euphoria14 said:

So, EA thinks the EA game is the best?

bahaha mind==blown

zero129 said:
chocoloco said:

Finally playing it on the 360 literally this morning (so hooked), unsurprisingly great despite the backlash, trashing by picky gamers. Most of the games I love get hated on so I should be used to it. Once again do not listen to internet haters.

I think it is one of the best. Ass creed 3 looks good and I know batman is badaaaasss.

Actually, I would say Wii U players should buy the first 2 on 360. Full experience is the best.

So much fail in them words the is...

you do know its only the last 10 minutes of the game fans hate right? so you still have a bit to go before you even get there :P.

Also you do know that the ones upset are the hardcore fans right?, the ones who have loved and played this series from start to end. Not some picky gamers that just picked up ME3 and started playing and said "Hey this game sucks im going to go on the interwebs and rise mayham over this".

Them fans like myself loved ME3 till the last 10-15 minutes of the game, and thats when everything falls apart, no choices, dozens of plot holes and plot points that make no sense in the ME3 universe, i could go on and on but i will leave it at that.

Unless it has the characters singing in their underwear and playing music I really do not care. *Crosses fingers* I tend to enjoy the journey in games more than the end so I unless it is as bad as mentioned above it is still one of the best game series I have played. I do call it picky gamers when every minor detail is complained about. Look I attempt to go back to the days when I was less critical of games and played them for fun. If the game is not brocken and I am having fun and engrossed I do not care if the ending sucks. Also since I do not expect much in the ending now I will not be dissapointed.

That and the internet really is full of whiners and trolls that trash games they never played. It is pretty obvious people do this. 

chocoloco said:
zero129 said:
chocoloco said:

Finally playing it on the 360 literally this morning (so hooked), unsurprisingly great despite the backlash, trashing by picky gamers. Most of the games I love get hated on so I should be used to it. Once again do not listen to internet haters.

I think it is one of the best. Ass creed 3 looks good and I know batman is badaaaasss.

Actually, I would say Wii U players should buy the first 2 on 360. Full experience is the best.

So much fail in them words the is...

you do know its only the last 10 minutes of the game fans hate right? so you still have a bit to go before you even get there :P.

Also you do know that the ones upset are the hardcore fans right?, the ones who have loved and played this series from start to end. Not some picky gamers that just picked up ME3 and started playing and said "Hey this game sucks im going to go on the interwebs and rise mayham over this".

Them fans like myself loved ME3 till the last 10-15 minutes of the game, and thats when everything falls apart, no choices, dozens of plot holes and plot points that make no sense in the ME3 universe, i could go on and on but i will leave it at that.

Unless it has the characters singing in their underwear and playing music I really do not care. *Crosses fingers* I tend to enjoy the journey in games more than the end so I unless it is as bad as mentioned above it is still one of the best game series I have played. I do call it picky gamers when every minor detail is complained about. Look I attempt to go back to the days when I was less critical of games and played them for fun. If the game is not brocken and I am having fun and engrossed I do not care if the ending sucks. Also since I do not expect much in the ending now I will not be dissapointed.

That and the internet really is full of whiners and trolls that trash games they never played. It is pretty obvious people do this. 

Have you played Mass Effect 1 and 2? From the way you describe, it sounds like you have. It is impossible to understand how bad the end of Mass Effect 3 is until you played the seeries through from start to finish. Come back and post your thought on iy when you have reached the end. 

Like you, before I reached the end of the game I thought people were being to picky and whining about small things and it couldn't possibly be that bad. I was proved wrong when I got to the end of the game. The rest of the game is still prety soild and enjoyable but the ending ruins it. I'm not going to say what is so bad about it as I don't want to spoil it for you. If you feel the same about it after finishing the game I'll go into more detail.

Actually, I would say Wii U players should buy the first 2 on 360. Full experience is the best.

That would be pointless overall as none of their decision could be carried over to the third game on the Wii U. If were to do that they might as well play the third game on the 360 and not bother with the Wii U at all.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

rofl , we are talking about what is the best game game in the wiiU press conference or wiiU launch or are we talking about business concept.

"The day you'll understand the basic business concept around that, post a reply." LOL

We were talking about how Riccitiello's comment made sense, especially in light of the applause he mentioned. When considering the importance of a game in a launch library, it's important to mention if this game is a late port or not imho.

But I like that you think it's funny, at least you have a sense of humor about it