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zero129 said:
chocoloco said:

Finally playing it on the 360 literally this morning (so hooked), unsurprisingly great despite the backlash, trashing by picky gamers. Most of the games I love get hated on so I should be used to it. Once again do not listen to internet haters.

I think it is one of the best. Ass creed 3 looks good and I know batman is badaaaasss.

Actually, I would say Wii U players should buy the first 2 on 360. Full experience is the best.

So much fail in them words the is...

you do know its only the last 10 minutes of the game fans hate right? so you still have a bit to go before you even get there :P.

Also you do know that the ones upset are the hardcore fans right?, the ones who have loved and played this series from start to end. Not some picky gamers that just picked up ME3 and started playing and said "Hey this game sucks im going to go on the interwebs and rise mayham over this".

Them fans like myself loved ME3 till the last 10-15 minutes of the game, and thats when everything falls apart, no choices, dozens of plot holes and plot points that make no sense in the ME3 universe, i could go on and on but i will leave it at that.

Unless it has the characters singing in their underwear and playing music I really do not care. *Crosses fingers* I tend to enjoy the journey in games more than the end so I unless it is as bad as mentioned above it is still one of the best game series I have played. I do call it picky gamers when every minor detail is complained about. Look I attempt to go back to the days when I was less critical of games and played them for fun. If the game is not brocken and I am having fun and engrossed I do not care if the ending sucks. Also since I do not expect much in the ending now I will not be dissapointed.

That and the internet really is full of whiners and trolls that trash games they never played. It is pretty obvious people do this.