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The only way Mass Effect 3 on Wii U would be the "single best piece of software" on Wii U is if it contained remastered versions of ME1, ME2, and a complete version of ME3. Why do I say complete? ME3 was clearly rushed out to the door and riddled with issues.

Despite what people say the first 95% of ME3 isn't awesome. It's good but obviously rushed. There is too much auto dialog, reduced dialog choices (most conversations have only Paragon or Renegade options, the Neutral option is nearly completely MIA), speaking of MIA that describes most of the ME2 cast, pre-release Bioware promised that some characters would be temporary squadmates, some full, and some cameos. None of the ME2 cast mates are squad mates and they all are cameos with only 2 being well fleshed out and integral to the story. The only temporary squadmate in ME3 is Anderson. Then you bulk of the sidequests consisting of Shepard eavesdropping and scanning a random planets. The combat was the best in the series, but that was the only thing in the ME3 that seemed to truly polished.