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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo fails 2012: I blame everyone


Nintendo ruined my life.

Yes, a lot! 35 12.37%
Yes, kinda! 11 3.89%
You're nuts. 52 18.37%
Get a grip! 63 22.26%
They definitely failed E3, but we'll see. 87 30.74%
Beer (ummmm) 34 12.01%


The so-called core as well as third parties want amazing graphics. This drives up the cost of the system and makes it unappealing to families. Like I said above, the Wii U is a bastard console. Nintendo tries to keep the specs as low as possible to hit a price point that doesn't alienate families and at the same time high enough to attract third party support. But the result is that Nintendo will be in the middle of nowhere. Price too high, specs too low.

Dah, what a lame argument. I don't remember this affecting the PS2.

Also, specs too low is a fake argument because the Wii was too low BY PHILOSOPHY, not BY DESIGN. They wanted to limit the graphics to force devs to keep costs down and force a new market.

You should know you're wrong.


COMG so much fail...

Check -> WiiUPro Controller. Thankfully they figured that one out.

The Wii audience won't like this. The return to a traditional controller as the standard instead of a superior Wiimote/Nunchuk combo. Nintendo will lose sales because of this.

They're using it for a separate market, not for the casual market. Did you even watch the videos of Nintendoland and Wiifit U? They didn't use the Pro pad.



HD console owners are used to this practice and they have lower standards in general. It will be hard to disagree for them when Skyrim, a bugridden game, not only gets Game of the Year honors, but is also one of the bestselling games of last year.

That's the market they're aiming, so if they're used to it, then they're used to it. Rol, are you high?


That's why third parties don't like the Nintendo audience. They are gamers who are unwilling to lower their standards and thus stick to Nintendo games.

But who cares, that's not the audience they would be after. If they were, they would make games like ZombiU (oops!). If they want to attract the core, then they don't need to attract the Nintendo audience. "What's the point?" you ask? 120M HD units sold, pretty easy math. It's a market they should cater to, and Nintendo should see that 3rd parties can lure them on the U.


And once again, Nintendo's audience will buy Nintendo games, because they want local multiplayer games. The best in the world.

Again, nobody cares about Nintendo's traditional audience in this debate, that's not the untapped targeted market in question. If it was, we'd be talking about ZombiU, but we're not. We're talking about games targetted for a completely separate audience.


That's complete nonsense. You are still stuck in your "The hardcore gamer is the be all, end all of gaming" ways.

When did I ever say that?? It's the be all end all of a core aspect of Nintendo's short-term plan. If we were talking about something else, I'd say so.

2) What kind of progress are you talking about? Nothing that would benefit Nintendo's business.

You're wrong, look at the market you so love. Look at games like Bioshock, Uncharted, Red Dead Revolver, these games employ innovation believe it or not. Have you played Uncharted? I know you don't like cinematic games, but it has great gameplay and excellent atmosphere. If you haven't, you should.

Have you seen what ND did with TLOU? The crazy AI the game employs? It's mind-blowing. That's progress.

Have you seen the physics and realism of TLOU and Halo4? That's progress. I've been attached to this industry since as long as I can remember, and graphics always were a very important part of the enjoyment of the experience!

3) You need to realize that these developers are only respected among each other and on the internet. In the real world hardly anybody knows about them.

Maybe, but as far as I can remember, most people who own COD and other huge blockbusters know about Activision and Ubisoft, at least. These need to be close friends with Nintendo, from a business PoV. If you were a businessman, wouldn't you want your business to be friends with the big dogs? I know you would.


A serious gaming business makes use of their strengths. The hardcore gamer market is not Nintendo's strength and it will never be, because the typical hardcore gamer is proud of not playing Nintendo systems.

Nintendo has been able to cater to the hardcore gamer. Alot of the N64 market became the xbox market with PD, Conker, Halo, and such. Nintendo had Prime, it was as popular as Halo at first, and the trend failed (hard to tell why, and it's intertwined to the discussion).

It is a Nintendo strength, they are just not living up to it. Also, if today's typical hardcore gamer is not proud of playing on Nintendo's system, the onus is on NINTENDO to fix their image. For now, IT'S NOT WORKING!


It's Nintendo's platform. They put billions of dollars on the line, therefore it's their right to set the rules. And it's not like they put overly restrictive rules in place. Third parties only need to make good games and properly advertise them to be successful. In the majority of cases third parties decide against this. Third parties fail because of their own errors. They need to change, not Nintendo.

If Nintendo changes, then the result will be a bastard console that won't sell, because people will wonder what the hell Nintendo were thinking.

3rd party devs are definitely in part to blame, I never said the contrary. But there is a reason they are pissed, and as I said, you can continue to blame 3rd parties, but the ONUS is on the manufacturer to make things right. I don't deny that 3rd party devs need to start realize the Nintendo potential, and sure it's a two-way game, okay yeah, but what is NINTENDO doing? The E3 keynote really didn't help. That's what I'm basically saying.

SNES for the reason stated in brackets.

Yeah, it's all theorizing. But maybe. I already said this is your most solid point, that 1st party overshadows 3rd party. But even then, 3rd parties should look to follow the industry leader. We see it happening with the 3DS, so it's not impossible.

Anyways, whatevs.

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NintendoPie said:

Talk about jumping the gun.

We will see a 3D Mario game
We will see a 2D Mario game
We will see an HD Zelda game
We will see a Super Smash Bros game
We will see Pikmin 3
We will see a Metroid game
We will see a Mario Kart game
We will see lots of new IP's
We will see the strongest third party support since the SNES
We are very likely to be seeing Star Fox and F-Zero finally make their return

And some of that has already been seen.

The bolded can't be guaranteed but it does look like they are going in a better direction.

At first it may happen, but when MS and Sony release their next consoles, the WiiU will be the new Wii.

some of these people need a bong, asap

happydolphin said:
Mr Khan said:
ITT: HappyDolphin continues to misunderstand Nintendo.

Turbo time? You're on! Mr Khan continues to fail at seeing where Nintendo went wrong.

Maybe his lack of a time machine that you apparently have, is why he doesn't see it.  

So, feel free to announce who will win the presidental election of 2012 while you happen to be back from the future with Doc Brown.

nintendo will win 2012. let's all watch during Xmas!


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I blame pc games for forcing Nintendo to fail at online every freaking time they dip their feet into it.

Last time i played, the online for MKartWii worked perfectly, so hold on your hate a bit...

Apparently happydolphin has been living in a coma for most of the past decade, because he's just now realizing that Nintendo is all about promoting their brand and image to as many people as possible, even if that means sacrificing their long time and loyal fans in the process.

Nintendo is the George Lucas of videogames.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

NightDragon83 said:
Apparently happydolphin has been living in a coma for most of the past decade, because he's just now realizing that Nintendo is all about promoting their brand and image to as many people as possible, even if that means sacrificing their long time and loyal fans in the process.

Nintendo is the George Lucas of videogames.

Unlike MS and Sony who are all about the gamerz, m i rite???

I can't wait for the WiiU and still am a Nintendo fan((boy)) for life