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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Civilization collapses due to electricity not working, which boardgame of mine do you play?

BasilZero said:
Any card game I can think of ...

board game wise?

Snakes and Ladders AND Chess ;o

Well, my Oneota Whist had gotten some decent reviews, with one person saying it is their favorite solitaire game actually:

Well, if you like any type of cardgame, you can try that.

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DepthAlly said:
richardhutnik said:
DepthAlly said:

Most important person? there must be something special about you that makes you most important... hmm.... I would play whichever game that has the sharpest parts so that I could kill you and use your body to regain electricity.

Hey, if I am creating some extreme end of the world fiction, why not put myself at the center of it, making myself the most important person in it?

A gotcha about your strategy is that it fails to account for the reality my body is not key to the regaining of electricity.  Because I design tabletop games, I didn't feel it in my interest to have my body have the ability to regain electricity.  

As for bits to use, I suggest getting ahold of Icehouse pieces.  They have sharp points at the end.  You might want to look into that.

Hmmm... thanks for the suggestion. If your body doesn't regain electricity, I may still kill you or someone else, though. The frustration of lacking electricity may be overwhelming, I'll need to let it out on someone.

Yes, that will be your chance to actually LIVE a First-person shooter.  Downside will be that there is NO respawning.

richardhutnik said:
VicViper said:
Civilization collapses? Poor Sid Meyer...

It is horrible, because no one can play his game without electricity.

I think this is your cue to develop a Civilization board game. Tell Sid Meier he needs to be prepared for the fact that electricity will stop working.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
richardhutnik said:
VicViper said:
Civilization collapses? Poor Sid Meyer...

It is horrible, because no one can play his game without electricity.

I think this is your cue to develop a Civilization board game. Tell Sid Meier he needs to be prepared for the fact that electricity will stop working.

Well, there is the original boardgame Civilization, which is said to be an inspiration for Sid's computer game.  Then there are two adaptations of his computer game to boardgame format, with the second very highly regarded (the first a mixed bag):

And there is the likes of Through the Ages which is inspired by the boardgame (click on link above) for info on that.  And there are more multiple others, like 7 Wonders and Rise of Empires that are like Civ, but play faster.

Pretty much, I am less inclined to work in this area, because many attempts have been done for it that I am fairly satisified with, and don't feel can be improved upon.  I say this because Civ is one of my all-time favorite games.  Games went from MULE (Still would like the original) to Simcity to Railroad Tycoon to then Civilization.  As it is now, Civ has never really been topped for me.

And none of the boardgames were designed by Sid, just based on his designs, or inspired by them, so I don't count them as SId's actual designs.  No electricity means nothing Sid worked on ever is playable.

I'd get a typewriter and try to recover all my literary work lost, so probably I'd have no time to play games whatsoever.






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haxxiy said:
I'd get a typewriter and try to recover all my literary work lost, so probably I'd have no time to play games whatsoever.

And I have also given thought to the reality that all my game rules are stored digitally, and am thinking it might be good to print out some stuff.

Alright, I'm going to go with the fellow history-nerd/major friends I had back in undergrad, since they're the only folks I know who play boardgames beyond the trivia/Milton-Bradley types.* That being the case, games which permit extensive player diplomacy would be my preference.

We played "Napoleon in Europe" campaigns spread across weeks way back when, along with Diplomacy, so I'd like to bring those along. I suppose this would also be a good time to learn how to play tabletop RPGs...

Out of the ones you've made though, I'm most intrigued by MM Captain's Mistress.

richardhutnik said:

Well, there is the original boardgame Civilization, which is said to be an inspiration for Sid's computer game. Then there are two adaptations of his computer game to boardgame format, with the second very highly regarded (the first a mixed bag)

If we're thinking of the same game (listed as 2002 on your link), I can confirm that it sucked balls.

*Nothing wrong with these, I love them too, but if I have an eternity to go I'd prefer something with more depth!

noname2200 said:
Alright, I'm going to go with the fellow history-nerd/major friends I had back in undergrad, since they're the only folks I know who play boardgames beyond the trivia/Milton-Bradley types.* That being the case, games which permit extensive player diplomacy would be my preference.

We played "Napoleon in Europe" campaigns spread across weeks way back when, along with Diplomacy, so I'd like to bring those along. I suppose this would also be a good time to learn how to play tabletop RPGs...

Out of the ones you've made though, I'm most intrigued by MM Captain's Mistress.

richardhutnik said:

Well, there is the original boardgame Civilization, which is said to be an inspiration for Sid's computer game. Then there are two adaptations of his computer game to boardgame format, with the second very highly regarded (the first a mixed bag)

If we're thinking of the same game (listed as 2002 on your link), I can confirm that it sucked balls.

*Nothing wrong with these, I love them too, but if I have an eternity to go I'd prefer something with more depth!

I so much want to get Massive Multiplayer Captain's Mistress going in the Internet format.  I can run it as a party game, but that has limits.  At least it works.  Reasons why, besides it generating interests in abstract strategy games, is that I believe it can be used for scientific research, in studying loyalty and defection patterns of people, and what causes people to be loyal, and what leans groups to make good decisions.

IN regards to the boardgame stuff, the Eagles game one was broken.  The newer one, by Fantasy Flight, is real good.  Other Civ like games, like 7 Wonders and Rise of Empires (played it this weekend, and it went well) are good enough, I don't feel a need to create my own a Civ game now at this point).

On the computer game front, there is Civilization by Sid, and then the Avalon Hill adaptation of the boardgame.  Activision also did Civilization: Call to Power, which wasn't as good, but had some unqiue attibutes that were interesting.  I remember Call to Power was the first computer game where the computer bribed me to ally with it.  Never ran into that before, and it impacting my decision making.

I will say, that Galactic Civilizations is real good also.  That is a boardgame.  For Space Operas, the top choices are Twilight Imperium and Eclipse, on the boardgame front.   Eminent Domain works well as a faster cardgame, and more like a deckbuilding game meets Puerto Rico though.