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Alright, I'm going to go with the fellow history-nerd/major friends I had back in undergrad, since they're the only folks I know who play boardgames beyond the trivia/Milton-Bradley types.* That being the case, games which permit extensive player diplomacy would be my preference.

We played "Napoleon in Europe" campaigns spread across weeks way back when, along with Diplomacy, so I'd like to bring those along. I suppose this would also be a good time to learn how to play tabletop RPGs...

Out of the ones you've made though, I'm most intrigued by MM Captain's Mistress.

richardhutnik said:

Well, there is the original boardgame Civilization, which is said to be an inspiration for Sid's computer game. Then there are two adaptations of his computer game to boardgame format, with the second very highly regarded (the first a mixed bag)

If we're thinking of the same game (listed as 2002 on your link), I can confirm that it sucked balls.

*Nothing wrong with these, I love them too, but if I have an eternity to go I'd prefer something with more depth!