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Forums - Sony Discussion - What system sellers could PS Vita possibly have?

they need a mario rip off, nintendog rip off, pokemon rip off, cooking mama, mario kart etc.. and stop all that console gaming on handheld they are trying to do it's a bad idea

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

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Runa216 said:

Bolded: People use their cellphones for portable gaming. Epic gaming experiences that you get from titles like Uncharted are much better suited for when playing at home.

Italics: No, I'm saying that the audience that Sony is trying to catch wouldn't have a reason for it. A hardcore gamer wouldn't play Call of Duty or GTA on the buss.

The DS/Wii software comparisons are invalid since they both are casual titles (unlike Cod/GTA/AC). NSMB is not very different (if at all) compared to cellphone games.

You're rather poor at this whole "seeing it from other people's perspective" thing, aren't you?  just becuase YOU would rather play it on a bigscreen doesn't mean that EVERYONE would rather play it on a big screen.  What if you're working in a job that requires you have no time at home but lots of time on a bus or subway?  what if you fly a lot?  what if you're in school?  what if you don't have a 1000 dollar TV?  what ifyou actually PREFER handheld gaming?  what if you like the added bonuses of using  touch screen or whatever?  there's dozens of reasons to play a game on a handheld, and you've managed to convince yourself that they're all pointless.  I cannot help someone so closeminded. 

Bolded: That's true, but the majority is very great.

Italics: This is where the great minority comes in. Most of those people would settle for their cellphone/iPad/laptop.

Underlined: What? That would not be necessary.

Rest: Don't fool yourself. People who prefer handheld gaming generally play Nintendo consoles and don't care for hardcore titles. All these small reasons to buy a Vita pales when compared to the massive smartphone market. People do not care (yet) about Vita.

I am not close minded. I am just drawing my conclusions from what I see.

Chark said:

Aren't you jumping the gun a little bit? The system hasn't been out very long so how can you suggest creating new successful IP's as being a struggle? This is commonplace for a new system. To create new quality IP's developers need time, to sell to great success they need a larger install base. This does not happen in the first few months of a console's lifespan.

I said that it can be a struggle to make new successful franchises, which is true. Vita has had a lot of time already to prepare new quality IP's (spawning Gravity Daze and such) and even though they obviously can't have a very large install base after just a few months fact remain that the system is selling slowly.

Well hopefully Gravity Rush and Resistance Burning Skies do well.

I hope so too.

I know it's your own opinion but playing a full console feature game on the vita is immersive, the screen is large and of great quality for a handheld and right in front of you. The sound is good on the system and if needed can be improved through headphones(earbuds, earcups, even bluetooth). Also, the glory of the handheld console is its portability. It sounds from reading your posts that you are letting your own personal opinion cloud your view on what consumer opinion is, last gen having sold around 230 million handheld gaming consoles, comparible to current home console sales. You could almost say that for every gamer that would prefer to play on the home console there would be a gamer who would prefer to play on a handheld console.

I don't doubt that the hardware is very impressive, but the whole gaming experience is far more enjoyable on the big screen when playing realistic- and hardcore games. 

Underlined: You can't compare present to last gen in this case though. The smartphone market has exploded and everyone is playing mobile games like crazy. PSP had the PS2 glory and hardcore titles (such as GTA, which can now be played on mobile phones) to back its sales up, and Nintendo had the now smaller casual market (plus the core Nintendo fans). Both sides has some of their previous support cut off

I'm not sure where you heard that the Vita online store was expensive, most likely some hate fuelled speech. Most, but not every, Vita title on PSN is at a 10% discount from their retail counterpart. So Uncharted: GA the only $50 Vita game is $44.99, Little Deviants is $26.99 instead of $30, Lumines at $35.99 instead of $40. Digital only titles are, as expected, cheaper than if they appeared on retail. Escape plan for $15, Mutant Blobs Attack for $8. Minis and PSP titles are the same price as they always are for the PS3/PSP. It is no steam yet, but they operate without the risk of retailler backlash or competition that would steal retail space.

It was not a hate fuelled speech, it was a video review which showed that the prices were equally as high as retail games'. That was back when the system released though, so I guess they've made the content cheaper by now. It still doesn't compare to the ridiculously low prices of smartphones though. Sure, the games are way more advanced and offer more content, but the smartphone games offer more content per dollar.

Again, while you hold a preference to the big screen, sales history of consoles indicates that handhelds are on the same level. I can compare last gen to this gen because even though mobile phone and tablet gaming has been on the rise systems such as the 3DS has sold 13 million in its first year. I might be a little off but isn't that slightly more than the DS was able to sell in its first year? The smartphone arguement has been having trouble holding when held to the light, smartphone gaming might attribute more to the user base and increasing the market rather than taking user base. Handhelds are on an equal level to home consoles, so you can't argue because X home console exists that X handheld console is irrelevant.

Well I'd like to know whose video review that was because the 10% discount was announced before global launch and was available day one. And correct me if I'm wrong you originally said you were under the assumption the online store was very expensive, when even your information, though misinformed, thought that the prices were the same as retail. 

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(


Bolded: That's true, but the majority is very great.

Majority? Where are you getting your data? Is that 51% because that isn't saying much.

Italics: This is where the great minority comes in. Most of those people would settle for their cellphone/iPad/laptop.

I've seen a study that shows that most handheld gaming is actually done in the home, it is used as a prefered console by many and is useful regardless is you are a constant traveller.

Underlined: What? That would not be necessary.

So a smarthpone/iPad/laptop is an option? Those are not cheap either. $1000 is an exaggeration because you can get a decent sized TV for less, and though there are subsidized smartphones there are still pricey and include expensive contracts.

Rest: Don't fool yourself. People who prefer handheld gaming generally play Nintendo consoles and don't care for hardcore titles. All these small reasons to buy a Vita pales when compared to the massive smartphone market. People do not care (yet) about Vita.

The PSP sold over 70 million (more than the PS3 or the 360 have sold), it was and is still a viable system with hardcore titles. Just because Nintendo is the market leader does not mean everything else isn't a good product/option. Consumers have already spoken.

I am not close minded. I am just drawing my conclusions from what I see.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

AndrewWK said:
VGKing said:
AndrewWK said:
SunofKratos said:
I would say they must going both ways.Create new IPs which will become big by the time and offer big old IPS to sell the system.

For future system sellers i easily see a new God of War or Gran Turismo on the Horizon.
Also what is Sony Bend doing right now. maybe working on Uncharted Golden Abyss 2.
Then there will be the Killzone vita game and maybe a new IP from Insomniak games?

Isn´t Insomniac done with Sony? They are Multiplatform now for what I know.

No. They will continue making games for Sony systems. They just won't be exclusive.

Thats what I meant, they wont do exclusives for Sony. They will make multiplatform games from now on. There next game will be Overstrike and EA will publish it.

I have a niggling feeling we'll be seeing more Ratchet & Clank games from Insomniac.  Ted Price made a point of saying that they were "done with Resistance games" but made no mention of R&C, which would have been easy to do at the same point.

EA have the publishing duties for Overstrike, but Insomniac managed to get 2 franchises fully fleshed out during this generation (Resistance & Ratchet) so they have the manpower to run two at once.  They seem pretty invested in R&C as well, it's probably their flagship game at this point.

Idk, all speculation on my part, but I can't see them completely ditching Sony (much like Bungie didn't completely ditch Microsoft).

Around the Network
Chark said:


Again, while you hold a preference to the big screen, sales history of consoles indicates that handhelds are on the same level. I can compare last gen to this gen because even though mobile phone and tablet gaming has been on the rise systems such as the 3DS has sold 13 million in its first year. I might be a little off but isn't that slightly more than the DS was able to sell in its first year? The smartphone arguement has been having trouble holding when held to the light, smartphone gaming might attribute more to the user base and increasing the market rather than taking user base. Handhelds are on an equal level to home consoles, so you can't argue because X home console exists that X handheld console is irrelevant.

Well I'd like to know whose video review that was because the 10% discount was announced before global launch and was available day one. And correct me if I'm wrong you originally said you were under the assumption the online store was very expensive, when even your information, though misinformed, thought that the prices were the same as retail. 

The 3DS had a massive price cut and rushed Mario Kart 7 to reach those numbers. If the handhelds of the 8th generation manage to reach the same level as homeconsole then that's just great, but I highly doubt it considering our current situation.

I tried finding the video on youtube but it's pretty much impossible now that it's crowded with Vita videos. Though the 'very expensive' part was actually his words, not mine. And I'm pretty sure he had a Japanese version.

VGKing said:

Yeah, they all have potential. Question is though if people are willing to spend money on both a home console version and a portable version with less content. Because that's a lot of money.

I guess we'll see soon enough.

Less content? WTF are you talking about? Sony requires all Vita ports to have equal or more content than their PS3 counterparts.
Oh and why would someone need to buy both? They should be fine with only 1 version. If you prefer portable gaming, the Vita version is your best bet.

It should have less content in most cases simply because of the limited hardware and software format.

They should not be fine with only one version being bought. Are you expecting half of all PS3 gamers to abandon their system for the Vita once their favorite title arrives for it?

Such as? Care to give some examples?

No, I'm not expecting half of PS3 gamers to abandon their system to buy Vita games. I'm not expecting PS3 gamers to buy Vita at all. I'm expecting DS and PSP owners to buy a Vita.

Runa216 said:

Yeah, they all have potential. Question is though if people are willing to spend money on both a home console version and a portable version with less content. Because that's a lot of money.

I guess we'll see soon enough.

Funny, the DS proved that in many ways people are MORE willing to buy portable versions of games, or at least are just AS willing.  Mariokart DS and NSMB for the DS were both massive sellers.  Basically, your argument fails.  See, you're saying that the only games that sell systems are huge franchises like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, then insinuate that it wouldn't be worth buying on a handheld when you have it on a home console. The only things that would make a handheld worth having would be original titles or handheld exclusives (pokemon), but the only games that sell systems are ones that can be found on consoles. In a roundabout way, you're basically saying there's no reason to have a handheld.  Kind of ignorant if you ask me.  

Bolded: People use their cellphones for portable gaming. Epic gaming experiences that you get from titles like Uncharted are much better suited for when playing at home.

Italics: No, I'm saying that the audience that Sony is trying to catch wouldn't have a reason for it. A hardcore gamer wouldn't play Call of Duty or GTA on the buss.

The DS/Wii software comparisons are invalid since they both are casual titles (unlike Cod/GTA/AC). NSMB is not very different (if at all) compared to cellphone games.

Actually a large perecentage of a COD/GTA/AC sales come from casuals.

benao87 said:
logic56 said:

I am 18,

this conversation is fucking done

Your nickname share the same irony as PSV's.

OT: To me is not about COD or Monster Hunter, is a steady release of games completing a decent library. PSP was huge in hapan in its final years, not only because of Monster Hunter, it was the gigantic support of developers releasing loads of games. And at this point, not even 3DS has reached that confidence for developers.

that's funny becasue you reply with something I've been saying since the beginning

Chark said:

Majority? Where are you getting your data? Is that 51% because that isn't saying much.

Now I'm telling you, don't fool yourself. The Vita does not stand for 49% of the portable market.


I've seen a study that shows that most handheld gaming is actually done in the home, it is used as a prefered console by many and is useful regardless is you are a constant traveller.

But how many of those played CoD/GTA/AC?


So a smarthpone/iPad/laptop is an option? Those are not cheap either. $1000 is an exaggeration because you can get a decent sized TV for less, and though there are subsidized smartphones there are still pricey and include expensive contracts.

They may not be cheap, but they offer way more than gaming. After all, they are computers. And a Vita can't replace a phone.

The PSP sold over 70 million (more than the PS3 or the 360 have sold), it was and is still a viable system with hardcore titles. Just because Nintendo is the market leader does not mean everything else isn't a good product/option. Consumers have already spoken.

The PSP was cheaper than Vita is now, and the market has changed.