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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Dragon's Dogma Discussion Thread

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Is Dragon's Dogma the Best Game, Ever?

Hell yeah! 17 62.96%
Fuck yeah! 10 37.04%

oh and,me and my pawn

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D-Joe said:
oh and,me and my pawn

Your Pawn is HOT!!  I bet she gets asked to go on a lot of quests.

I would post mine but I don't have a facebook account.  She looks pretty bad ass, though.  She's been pretty popular online in the last couple of days, too.  I wish I would have made her look sexy instead of dangerous, though.  Then again, I would probably be pissed if she came back from some other guy's game knowing that they chose her because of her looks.  I'm jealous like that.

I think I should give the demo another chance after reading all your impressions. Maybe this time I'll have more of a clue what's going on.

My first experience with the demo was a bunch of AI controlled characters that kept running back and forth erratically. A chaotic camera leaving me disoriented most of the time. People shouting at me to launch me in the air to nowhere. A health bar that inexplicably kept getting shorter after every heal and finally the Griphon thing landing just outside the invisible borders of the demo so I couldn't get to it.

A crappy demo with way too much information in too short a time. Still it all looked interesting. After reading some reviews I now have a much better idea what was going on in the demo.

SvennoJ said:
A crappy demo with way too much information in too short a time. Still it all looked interesting. After reading some reviews I now have a much better idea what was going on in the demo.

That's exactly the problem with the demo. Although the first mission of the demo (the one with the chimera) is actually the intro to the game, in the game proper you're definitely able to make sense of things more as you're introduced to the concepts at a reasonable pace. I think Capcom's intention was to showcase the crazy fights with big monsters, but yeah, it really wasn't very indicative of the overall game.

IF you have use for my pawn (Fighter, Cautious, Supportive. Level 33), my PSN ID is Crystalchild. I'd be honored to use your's, too! If you add me, please write that youre from VGC Friend's Pawns are automatically free of charge, regardless the difference in Level.

I have played 22 Hours now (Europe - yes, i played a lot of it since the game was released).

My GOD is it glorious! there are a few things that annoy the shit out of me (Everrepeating Vendors and Inn keepers.. UGH..) plus maybe the limitations for quick travel... but aside of that, this game has an awesome combat system, loads of atmosphere and insane customization options. (Oh and the Pawnsystem is totally brilliant, i spend more time with my Pawn than my Main Character)

Its like this game is like a little bit Monster Hunter which was raped by Dark Souls and bitchslapped by Skyrim afterwards... And its amazing how exceedingly well it all works.


i fought some Half-Wyvern for like 1,5 Hours yesterday (it had 8 Lifebars, i had L26.. maybe i shouldnt have used Fire Weapons).. i was totally drained after this, but i did succeed!


Main Character, the bitch to the right is my Pawn. (Assassin/Fighter)


Climbing like da NINJA!



I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

Around the Network
SvennoJ said:
I think I should give the demo another chance after reading all your impressions. Maybe this time I'll have more of a clue what's going on.

My first experience with the demo was a bunch of AI controlled characters that kept running back and forth erratically. A chaotic camera leaving me disoriented most of the time. People shouting at me to launch me in the air to nowhere. A health bar that inexplicably kept getting shorter after every heal and finally the Griphon thing landing just outside the invisible borders of the demo so I couldn't get to it.

A crappy demo with way too much information in too short a time. Still it all looked interesting. After reading some reviews I now have a much better idea what was going on in the demo.

Use the option to turn off the cinematic moments then try throwin your main pawn off the cliff in the beginning and not summoning the others using the stone.  It will give you a great idea of the gameply and an understanding of which situtation to use which abilities in without your team mates destroying everything in their path.  

Game: Babysit this child for a day while her father goes on a business trip
Me: Okay. This should be easy enough. What could possibly go wrong

*5secs later*

Game: Mission Failed
Me: How do I get out of prison?

Needless to say, I'm not fit to babysit a pet rock. This game should have known better than to trust me with the child of a nobleman.

d21lewis said:
Game: Babysit this child for a day while her father goes on a business trip
Me: Okay. This should be easy enough. What could possibly go wrong

*5secs later*

Game: Mission Failed
Me: How do I get out of prison?

Needless to say, I'm not fit to babysit a pet rock. This game should have known better than to trust me with the child of a nobleman.

LOOOL Hilarious!

i lack of such funny experiences, only thing that happened is that i didnt know that i accepted a escort quest among all the huntquests i accepted (where u need to guide someone to wherever) and then i entered a waterfall cave. For some reason, the guy i should escort ran across the screen, like, 50 miles AWAY from the capital, and he was grabbed by the cyclops i fought at that time, and thrown into the abyss, and the "Mission Failed" notification popped up.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

*Tagged for later*

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."

Please can't you guys wait a few days with discussing the game? I haven't received my copy yet and I want to join sharing our experiences.