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IF you have use for my pawn (Fighter, Cautious, Supportive. Level 33), my PSN ID is Crystalchild. I'd be honored to use your's, too! If you add me, please write that youre from VGC Friend's Pawns are automatically free of charge, regardless the difference in Level.

I have played 22 Hours now (Europe - yes, i played a lot of it since the game was released).

My GOD is it glorious! there are a few things that annoy the shit out of me (Everrepeating Vendors and Inn keepers.. UGH..) plus maybe the limitations for quick travel... but aside of that, this game has an awesome combat system, loads of atmosphere and insane customization options. (Oh and the Pawnsystem is totally brilliant, i spend more time with my Pawn than my Main Character)

Its like this game is like a little bit Monster Hunter which was raped by Dark Souls and bitchslapped by Skyrim afterwards... And its amazing how exceedingly well it all works.


i fought some Half-Wyvern for like 1,5 Hours yesterday (it had 8 Lifebars, i had L26.. maybe i shouldnt have used Fire Weapons).. i was totally drained after this, but i did succeed!


Main Character, the bitch to the right is my Pawn. (Assassin/Fighter)


Climbing like da NINJA!



I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!